IE8 on Windows 7

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Apr 11, 2003
Spring HIll
Fast. Very fast. Page load & displays easily beat out every other browser I've tried, including Opera.

IE8 on Vista (32 & 64) didn't seem this fast at all.

So far, I'm happy with Win 7 x64. It's definitely a better OS than Vista.
7 is out? Wow.........I tried IE8 but was having a problem with a form not being compatible. So I went back to IE7, I mostly use Firefox now though, and like it.

I might try IE8 when it is more compatible.......
I was liking IE8 until I filled out a form that took a couple of hrs or so and found out that it did not go through......I was not happpy.

Got distracted by a Animal planet show and noticed that you mentioned it is way faster with Windows 7......I think with my XP that the Firefox is hard to beat until I upgrade. Glad you like Windows 7.
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Originally Posted By: ToyotaNSaturn
Fast. Very fast. Page load & displays easily beat out every other browser I've tried, including Opera.

IE8 on Vista (32 & 64) didn't seem this fast at all.

So far, I'm happy with Win 7 x64. It's definitely a better OS than Vista.

Definately way better than Vista. Vista on the two machines I've had indepth time with crashes without warning non stop. Memory usage is a joke. I'm running W7 on a dated machine and it's Faster than XP on the same machine. IE8 is very nice, but most forums have to run in compatibility mode.
What is the memory footprint of Windows 7 after a fresh install? I skipped Vista when I saw some reviews sites showed 400 MB+ after installation.
Bobert I'll get on and check for you. My copy is fairly fresh installed. About the only additional programs are AIM, windows Live messenger, AVG, and Adobe.

I'm currently running 698mb right now on a two week old XP install. 46 processes.
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I would say that 400-500MB RAM foot print is about right. I have the SFU (Services for Unix) installed, too.

That's less RAM usage than Vista and it's noticeably quicker.
Originally Posted By: SKUNKY
I installed IE8 I can't bring up my Walmart Pharmacy blinks on and off. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem??

Install Firefox?

Honestly, there are enough poorly designed and programmed web sites out there that won't work with one browser or another that having at least two - With different rendering engines - is always, always warranted.

I suggest strongly that everyone keeps IE (or Safari on the Mac, Konqueror on KDE and Epiphany on GNOME) + Firefox + Opera on hand. They're all free, and having some alternates around for troublesome sites can't hurt!
I have installed IE8 but have not played a lot with it as I run Linux most of the time and use Firefox and Opera on occasion.

Below is a link to some tweaks one can do with Firefox which will speed up things.

Link To Site

A quick search in Yahoo, Google, etc., will list several tweaks for Firefox.

I did notice with IE 8 that on some sites it required me to run the "compatibility mode".
Originally Posted By: SKUNKY
I installed IE8 I can't bring up my Walmart Pharmacy blinks on and off. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem??

Under the Tools menu, try Compatibility View and tweaking the settings for it.
Originally Posted By: SrDriver
Link To Site

Ugh. Pipelining was the first recommendation (as usual) and it is a bugger for servers due to the multiple requests.

Having said that, anyone who admins a server that they'd rather not support pipelining should effectively disable by setting connection limits per user; but many bloggers and other non technical "admins" do not know to do this, and their modest servers or VPS's may not appreciate pipelining.

I run a server that hosts 40+ domains, including some forums, and I have set connection limits.
OK..I installed Foxfire...I got the web page for WM but it won't let me submit my order...that might be a problem on WM end..I'll call Monday..
I'm not sure if I like the format..I'll play with it for a couple of days.
I'm gonna bring up IE again and try the Compatibility View in TOOLS...thanks
Ok..just called WM..they are having problems on their end.
I tried the Compatibilty in TOOLS..same I'm sure it's their problem....
Now...I'm having to "Log In" everytime I bring this site up even though I hit the "remember me" tab....
I hate computers...
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