Hummer Global Debut

Sounds good, but the reality has been a little more troubled.
Here is a direct quote from the Wikipedia section on GM's bailout:

Through the Troubled Asset Relief Program the US Treasury invested a total $51 billion into the GM bankruptcy.[93] Until December 10, 2013, the U. S. Treasury recovered $39 billion from selling its GM stake. The final direct cost to the Treasury of the GM bailout was $11[94]-12 billion ($10.5 billion for General Motors and $1.5 billion for former GM financing GMAC, now known as Ally).[95] Local tax incentives amounted to $1.7 billion, most of them in Michigan.[96][97] A study by the Center for Automotive Research found that the GM bailout saved 1.2 million jobs and preserved $34.9 billion in tax revenue.[95]

How could a company as successful as you portray it to be have required so much assistance from our government, with a loss to the US taxpayers of $12 billion?
There was additional generosity from the Canadians and the EU, although not nearly as much.
It is fatuous to contend that saving GM saved jobs or tax revenue, since had GM gone away others would have taken its place and the number of jobs created in out country by various foreign automakers demonstrates this.
Im not portraying anything.
Just stating facts. Americans love GM products and has kept them #1 for 90 years in USA sales. Nothing to argue here, no agenda.

Who cares what the taxpayer looses? No one or they wouldn't allow it, just like the current $7,500 PER CAR that kept Tesla afloat the last few years and only turned a profit for two years out of the last 13+ years. Where would they be? Maybe wouldnt exist at all.

Cant get political here but either way you're going down the wrong road (no pun intended!). One can speculate all they want and this isnt the forum for it but if they made such terrible cars they would not be #1 for 90 years (except 1 year)
Im not portraying anything.
Just stating facts. Americans love GM products and has kept them #1 for 90 years in USA sales. Nothing to argue here, no agenda.

Who cares what the taxpayer looses? No one or they wouldn't allow it, just like the current $7,500 PER CAR that kept Tesla afloat the last few years and only turned a profit for two years out of the last 13+ years. Where would they be? Maybe wouldnt exist at all.

Cant get political here but either way you're going down the wrong road (no pun intended!). One can speculate all they want and this isnt the forum for it but if they made such terrible cars they would not be #1 for 90 years (except 1 year)
GM is huge. I might not be that big a fan these days, but they've made some great vehicles and built quite the loyal fanbase. Actually both of my kids told me today that the C8 Corvette is their favorite car and other than my oldest, they've never seen a GM product in our driveway. Kids know cool when they see cool. It sounds to me like the C8 Corvette would be their wall poster these days.
Im not portraying anything.
Just stating facts. Americans love GM products and has kept them #1 for 90 years in USA sales. Nothing to argue here, no agenda.

Who cares what the taxpayer looses? No one or they wouldn't allow it, just like the current $7,500 PER CAR that kept Tesla afloat the last few years and only turned a profit for two years out of the last 13+ years. Where would they be? Maybe wouldnt exist at all.

Cant get political here but either way you're going down the wrong road (no pun intended!). One can speculate all they want and this isnt the forum for it but if they made such terrible cars they would not be #1 for 90 years (except 1 year)
You still fail to answer my post as to the reality that GM required 51 billion USD from the federal purse just to survive.
That hardly bespeaks a successful company, but rather one that managed itself into a deep, dark hole and lacked the ability to manage its way out without substantial government assistance.
It would be just as relevant to portray Trabant as a great success based upon their share of the DDR market for decades.
You still fail to answer my post as to the reality that GM required 51 billion USD from the federal purse just to survive.
That hardly bespeaks a successful company, but rather one that managed itself into a deep, dark hole and lacked the ability to manage its way out without substantial government assistance.
It would be just as relevant to portray Trabant as a great success based upon their share of the DDR market for decades.
Im not going to answer your question. I could care less. We could answer questions all day long. My post was Americans love GM cars and for 90 years no one sold more cars except one year post covid/ You can deflect that anyway that you want.
One fact is, you try to side step, Year after year Americans buy more GM cars in the USA than any other car maker for 90 years. 51 billion? chump change good for them, take all you can if you can get it, just like all American families do and all American companies do.
Im not going to answer your question. I could care less. We could answer questions all day long. My post was Americans love GM cars and for 90 years no one sold more cars except one year post covid/ You can deflect that anyway that you want.
One fact is, you try to side step, Year after year Americans buy more GM cars in the USA than any other car maker for 90 years. 51 billion? chump change good for them, take all you can if you can get it, just like all American families do and all American companies do.
For a guy who could "care less" you sure do keep on replying while avoiding anything of substance.
I'm the one trying to sidestep?