how much further along would society be if......

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Nov 29, 2009
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex and it made me wonder, would society be more or less technologically advanced without them?

Obviously we wouldn't exist without the opposite sex, but that's beside the point. Don't think that deep into it. lol
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Life can't be just another BITOG filter cut & post. We need some other distractions to make us appreciate the simple mechanical aspects of life.....those things that don't involve feelings.

Go watch the classic Stepford Wives.
Hormones. Cain't hep it,not worth thinking about it. That being said with out the opposite ones I figured out would own approximately 67.345% of northern California fee simple.
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex

About 4 times a minute, 12 seconds of every minute.
I'm not ready to give up the distraction yet.
I think we have done pretty well with the inspiration.
I'm 48 and my testosterone is through the roof!! I couldn't imagine life without hot beautiful chicas! Especially MY hot beautiful chica!!
Yes the whole world would like be better off if we had fewer HIC's (Hubby incremental changes) I know in most cases the kids would be. In most cases they just want to change the oil and they don't want to add a new clean filter (clean up their act).
To which opposite sex are you referencing. New York City officially recognizes 31 different and distinct gender identities.

This thread has probably run its course.
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex and it made me wonder, would society be more or less technologically advanced without them?

Obviously we wouldn't exist without the opposite sex, but that's beside the point. Don't think that deep into it. lol

re: "how much time in general is spent on the opposite sex ..." -- in your case, not nearly enough.

re: "would society be more or less ................ ? strange question.
you 'gotta get a woman, or a life, or a dog. your thread topics are... different -- but they are always entertaining. keep 'em coming, m.o.m., and have a good day.
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex and it made me wonder, would society be more or less technologically advanced without them?

Obviously we wouldn't exist without the opposite sex, but that's beside the point. Don't think that deep into it. lol

I don't understand what you mean. As someone in decades long relationship and married with someone of the same sex we aren't any further ahead or behind anyone else technologically.
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Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex and it made me wonder, would society be more or less technologically advanced without them?

Obviously we wouldn't exist without the opposite sex, but that's beside the point. Don't think that deep into it. lol
You should watch episode 3 of “The Orville”.
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
I got to thinking about how much time is spent in general on the opposite sex and it made me wonder, would society be more or less technologically advanced without them?

Obviously we wouldn't exist without the opposite sex, but that's beside the point. Don't think that deep into it. lol

Sounds to me like you need to get a girlfriend.
Read Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene," or Lyall Watson's "Dark Nature," or both, and then you tell us. The genes, all twenty five thousand plus, are only interested in one thing, getting replicated. They don't give a hoot about us and use us as taxis to achieve their goal. They leap from body to body and discard us like so much garbage. Variation, selection, retention. That was Darwin's great insight into how livings things cope with their environment. Natural Selection is probably the greatest discovery ever made by man, and "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" has no equal in all of science. It "transformed" Western Civilization .After self preservation, the drive to pass along our gene pool is the strongest drive in humans.
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Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
I'm 48 and my testosterone is through the roof!! I couldn't imagine life without hot beautiful chicas! Especially MY hot beautiful chica!!

HEY! Just because she makes more $$$ than you, don't go tootin your horn :^)

J/K :^)
Well, let’s see, a world without women...
Industries like carpet, curtains and decoration accessories would cease to exist.
The lakes and oceans would be fished dry..
Stocks in BBQ pit manufacturers would be a good retirement bet
Gas and diesel consumption would go up another 100% or more
Whole neighborhoods would be left to decay, their former inhabitants living permanently at the deer lease
Whole Foods stores would be replaced with whole meats stores
400 would be the base horsepower offered in cars and trucks
Consumption of beer would sky rocket
Metal buildings with interior rinse ability would be the norm - wood, brick, stucco houses would fade to black..

Can anybody think of something I’ve missed in this new world order?
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