How many really use their truck

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Hmmmmmmmm (scratch head) well..... (ponder a bit, scratch head again).....

I reckon I use the pick-em-up as a "truck" pert' near around.... (ponders pickin' nose, burps instead) 5 times out of 100 uses so the high-falutin' folks would call that 5% of the time.

The main impetus fer' procurin' the critter was based upon past bad luck in the economic world. Having lived in a 1978 Toyota pick-up, even though working full-time, unable to pay the sky-HIGH rents in Californy, I wanted a vehicle that I could live in if the worst came to pass. I could buy or build a hootch in the bed and, if I had a trailer, could pull it to where the living is cheapest and/or where work is available.

I consider the truck to be transportation, a tool AND a sort of insurance to ensure I have a place to live if times get rough.
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