How Long is too Long for a Test Drive?

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Originally Posted By: Doog
My Toyota dealer has told me to take a salesman's demo car home for the weekend and let the wife have it for a day. I have purchased 3 vehicles from them though.

Metro Toyota? They are very nice about that. Just hand you the keys and will say, "see you in a little bit". They never come with you. Go to Sunnyside and they will always come with you. When I asked to go alone they wanted me to sign all this paperwork first. The last 5 cars our family has purchased came from Metro.
When I bought the Buick, the salesman handed me the keys at 4:00 on a weekday and said, "We're open until 9:00." I drove it out to dinner. As I came back I realized I didn't want to drive my old car home; I wanted the Buick. So I asked if I could run it home and then to my mechanic for a look-over in the morning, and I'd have it back by 9 am. "Sure."

The longer I drove the big beast, the more impressed I was. So I bought it, and still am impressed, almost 6 years later -- not only with the car, but with the dealer and the salesman.
My wife had a really good test drive experience. She stopped in because she saw a Caliber from the road. We had already have a rough couple trips to dealers so she knew what she wanted and was sick of bullcohocky.

They handed her the keys and said take it for a drive and bring it back when you are ready. I happened to be working in the town that the dealer was in so we met over lunch and I looked over the car. After work we went back and bought the car.

With as much as cars, mainly new but also used, cost now. A dealer has to understand that you need a good feeling about the car before you buy. My situation is more of a can I fit in the car and get it adjusted to be comfortable. I am certainly not putting over $20k out and not be comfortable in the car.
If you're a 47 year old engineer with a large family, a mortgage, and perfect credit, I bet they would do anything for you. If you're an 18 year old punk with a skateboard and pants that aren't pulled up all the way, the salesman is going with you. lol...

I'm in the first category. When I go to purchase a used car from an individual, I've been known to put a little gas in at the end of the drive, just so I haven't wasted their gas. That's just how I feel about it.
Every Honda I've bought from my dealer, they've let us take it on an extended test drive. They told me to take my CR-V home for the weekend. That was when I was 25 and credit was bad enough that I needed a cosigner. They told me to take my Si on my 120+ mile daily commute and encouraged me to rev the snot out of it. They know they have you if you drive it so long.
Originally Posted By: MBS500
Telling you right away Fiat 500 will be bumpy on every pot hole. Dart should be on par with your cars in sig. Turbo Fiat will be more quick and agile than Dart Turbo.
Im a vintage FIAT and YUGO fan - the old 128 series. I would skip the new stuff - too pricey for a dicey ride. You want a 500 I would steer you in the direction of a SCION xD or a Suzuki SX4 built on the Fiat grouppe platform.
Twice they gave us the car to keep overnight. Both times Cadillac dealers. That was a long time ago though. I just dont think there are as many honest people anymore and thats why we see this less.
Originally Posted By: crw
If you're a 47 year old engineer with a large family, a mortgage, and perfect credit, I bet they would do anything for you. If you're an 18 year old punk with a skateboard and pants that aren't pulled up all the way, the salesman is going with you. lol...

I'm in the first category. When I go to purchase a used car from an individual, I've been known to put a little gas in at the end of the drive, just so I haven't wasted their gas. That's just how I feel about it.

I'm in the first catagory. Well, sorta--two kids and about 10 years younger. Still, when I test drove a V6 RAV4, the guy went with me. When I test drove the Tundra, the saleswoman took me on quick spin, then was quick to let me take it out for a couple hours so I could run it by the wife. Good move--I wound up buying it.

I think they want to go with you, to try to sell you it. Go over the features, answer questions, etc. Too bad, since I'd be better off by myself.

Oh: when we test drove the Camry, the sales guy was content to let us go by ourselves. Maybe he sensed something, maybe not. My boss thinks it's because single guys on a test drive will thrash something, married couples are generally serious shoppers and do better alone.
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Originally Posted By: MBS500
Telling you right away Fiat 500 will be bumpy on every pot hole. Dart should be on par with your cars in sig. Turbo Fiat will be more quick and agile than Dart Turbo.
Im a vintage FIAT and YUGO fan - the old 128 series. I would skip the new stuff - too pricey for a dicey ride. You want a 500 I would steer you in the direction of a SCION xD or a Suzuki SX4 built on the Fiat grouppe platform.

if i'm buying a scion, it would either be the old original "Box" xB - preferrably in dark blue- or the FRS..
and good luck finding an sx4 these days. i've seen 1 in person.

shockingly a few weeks back, while driving my nephew to the theater for Jurassic Park 3D a few weeks back i saw a YUGO Running the opposite way on the 4-lane. first one i've seen in about 15 yrs. (and surprisingly to me, it seemed to be moving @ HW speed too! - buddy of mine's older brother had one in high school, it always started to shake above 50 mph)
Both Hyundai and Mazda dealers let us keep the test drive car for the afternoon and bring it back before they closed. They were very nice about it.
Subaru, VW & Mazda all wanted us to take vehicles for a weekend 'test drive' last summer when we were looking at family haulers.

They were not impressed when our litmus test was if I could get comfortable in the driver's seat with a Britax Boulevard 70 in the seat behind me.
Originally Posted By: earlyre
Not planning on buying a car for a couple years, but i would like to take a couple models for a test drive.
Primarily looking @ a Dart, 1.4turbo, with dual clutch auto, or Fiat 500.
Trying to plot out a good Mixed loop- some city, some country, some 4-lane interstate, etc.-
problem being where the local Dodge dealer is located, to get to the 4 lane, every loop i've tried to map out, google maps shows about 45 min or so round trip.. feels too long to me..

(my family has bought 1/2 doz cars from there over the years, and they've always let us take the cars ourselves, no pesky salesmen riding along, so no worries about that..)

I would suggest you wait until you are ready to buy before test driving. Test drives now will mean nothing 2+ years from now as different models come out and/or existing models are tweaked( possibly ).

I don't approve of your plan of test driving cars years before you will be buying at all. Not sure how to word it but it just seems wrong to me. When you are years away from buying a car I see no justifiable reason to go for a joy ride. Just running up miles on a vehicle the dealership can sell to somone who actually wants to buy and is ready to buy. You absolutely are wasting the dealer's time as well despite claims you are not.

If you came into my dealership and said you were not interested in buying for a couple years but wanted to test drive now I would tell you not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I can't believe the number of people on here that are ok with your plan and seem to be encouraging it?
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Originally Posted By: scurvy
Subaru, VW & Mazda all wanted us to take vehicles for a weekend 'test drive' last summer when we were looking at family haulers.

They were not impressed when our litmus test was if I could get comfortable in the driver's seat with a Britax Boulevard 70 in the seat behind me.

That's funny. But oh so true. We lucked out, totally, in that I drive closer to the wheel than most; the kid seat was able to fit behind me. Just barely. Worse was the leather cushions on my car, making the LATCH system a pain. Never popped into our minds to car shop based on car seats--we bought the Jetta about 9 months before the little one came around. Ever since then we've carted kid seats into whatever we might be looking at, and rule out a number of possiblities based on that issue.
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
... I can't believe the number of people on here that are ok with your plan and seem to be encouraging it?

Did i say Bournival Jeep? or Best Ford? Cough, cough, choke choke. Or the service department at Hampton Ford? Portsmouth Ford Used Cars?
Real Devils in Idiots clothing.
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: earlyre
Not planning on buying a car for a couple years, but i would like to take a couple models for a test drive.
Primarily looking @ a Dart, 1.4turbo, with dual clutch auto, or Fiat 500.
Trying to plot out a good Mixed loop- some city, some country, some 4-lane interstate, etc.-
problem being where the local Dodge dealer is located, to get to the 4 lane, every loop i've tried to map out, google maps shows about 45 min or so round trip.. feels too long to me..

(my family has bought 1/2 doz cars from there over the years, and they've always let us take the cars ourselves, no pesky salesmen riding along, so no worries about that..)

I would suggest you wait until you are ready to buy before test driving. Test drives now will mean nothing 2+ years from now as different models come out and/or existing models are tweaked( possibly ).

I don't approve of your plan of test driving cars years before you will be buying at all. Not sure how to word it but it just seems wrong to me. When you are years away from buying a car I see no justifiable reason to go for a joy ride. Just running up miles on a vehicle the dealership can sell to somone who actually wants to buy and is ready to buy. You absolutely are wasting the dealer's time as well despite claims you are not.

If you came into my dealership and said you were not interested in buying for a couple years but wanted to test drive now I would tell you not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I can't believe the number of people on here that are ok with your plan and seem to be encouraging it?

Yes that 45 minutes that the salesman is working with others, while i'm out seeing if The model fits me on my own is such a waste of Time.....
And the maybe 50 miles i'll put on it will cause such huge depreciation, it will cause the dealer to lose his shirt on the deal....right....
so I already responded to part of this earlier, but it was on my phone and i didn't have much time... now, the rest.(my responses in blue)
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: earlyre
Not planning on buying a car for a couple years, but i would like to take a couple models for a test drive.
Primarily looking @ a Dart, 1.4turbo, with dual clutch auto, or Fiat 500.
Trying to plot out a good Mixed loop- some city, some country, some 4-lane interstate, etc.-
problem being where the local Dodge dealer is located, to get to the 4 lane, every loop i've tried to map out, google maps shows about 45 min or so round trip.. feels too long to me..

(my family has bought 1/2 doz cars from there over the years, and they've always let us take the cars ourselves, no pesky salesmen riding along, so no worries about that..)

I would suggest you wait until you are ready to buy before test driving. Test drives now will mean nothing 2+ years from now as different models come out and/or existing models are tweaked( possibly ).
Never said i planned on buying new when i buy. it'll likely be a used 2013 or 2014 model

I don't approve of your plan of test driving cars years before you will be buying at all. Not sure how to word it but it just seems wrong to me. When you are years away from buying a car I see no justifiable reason to go for a joy ride. Just running up miles on a vehicle the dealership can sell to somone who actually wants to buy and is ready to buy. You absolutely are wasting the dealer's time as well despite claims you are not.
already dealt with this one in prior post, but the reason being "field research" you can find all sorts of info out about a car online, but nothing "real" and as i said not planning on buying for a couple years, but who knows i might total my car next month, and this way i'll have the research phase out of the way, instead of just running out and buying something "cuz i need a car NOW!" -had a co worker do just that...instead of driving an insurance rental for a week or so and trying a few cars out.- I'm just doing the homework in advance.

If you came into my dealership and said you were not interested in buying for a couple years but wanted to test drive now I would tell you not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I can't believe the number of people on here that are ok with your plan and seem to be encouraging it?
so you'd rather i Lie about it to the sales rep? test drive the car under false pretenses?
and with that kind of attitude towards potential customers, even if it's down the road, you won't be in business long. I know people, and people are more likely to pass on negative experiences with a retailer to their friends, who tell their friends, etc, etc.
Honestly, Which experience are people(in general) more likely to pass along?
a) I told the salesman, that this was just a research trip, and i wasn't buying anything today, and he said "Ok, what car do you wanna test out?"
b) I told the salesman, that this is just a research trip, and i wasn't buying anything today, and he told me "not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you." ie: "get the f*** out of my dealership!'

also, nowhere did you answer my actual original question of how long is too long?
Originally Posted By: earlyre
so I already responded to part of this earlier, but it was on my phone and i didn't have much time... now, the rest.(my responses in blue)
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: earlyre
Not planning on buying a car for a couple years, but i would like to take a couple models for a test drive.
Primarily looking @ a Dart, 1.4turbo, with dual clutch auto, or Fiat 500.
Trying to plot out a good Mixed loop- some city, some country, some 4-lane interstate, etc.-
problem being where the local Dodge dealer is located, to get to the 4 lane, every loop i've tried to map out, google maps shows about 45 min or so round trip.. feels too long to me..

(my family has bought 1/2 doz cars from there over the years, and they've always let us take the cars ourselves, no pesky salesmen riding along, so no worries about that..)

I would suggest you wait until you are ready to buy before test driving. Test drives now will mean nothing 2+ years from now as different models come out and/or existing models are tweaked( possibly ).
Never said i planned on buying new when i buy. it'll likely be a used 2013 or 2014 model

I don't approve of your plan of test driving cars years before you will be buying at all. Not sure how to word it but it just seems wrong to me. When you are years away from buying a car I see no justifiable reason to go for a joy ride. Just running up miles on a vehicle the dealership can sell to somone who actually wants to buy and is ready to buy. You absolutely are wasting the dealer's time as well despite claims you are not.
already dealt with this one in prior post, but the reason being "field research" you can find all sorts of info out about a car online, but nothing "real" and as i said not planning on buying for a couple years, but who knows i might total my car next month, and this way i'll have the research phase out of the way, instead of just running out and buying something "cuz i need a car NOW!" -had a co worker do just that...instead of driving an insurance rental for a week or so and trying a few cars out.- I'm just doing the homework in advance.

If you came into my dealership and said you were not interested in buying for a couple years but wanted to test drive now I would tell you not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I can't believe the number of people on here that are ok with your plan and seem to be encouraging it?
so you'd rather i Lie about it to the sales rep? test drive the car under false pretenses?
and with that kind of attitude towards potential customers, even if it's down the road, you won't be in business long. I know people, and people are more likely to pass on negative experiences with a retailer to their friends, who tell their friends, etc, etc.
Honestly, Which experience are people(in general) more likely to pass along?
a) I told the salesman, that this was just a research trip, and i wasn't buying anything today, and he said "Ok, what car do you wanna test out?"
b) I told the salesman, that this is just a research trip, and i wasn't buying anything today, and he told me "not to let the door hit you where the good lord split you." ie: "get the f*** out of my dealership!'

also, nowhere did you answer my actual original question of how long is too long?

I believe I did answer your question pretty much. I did so by saying I don't approve of what you are doing. So let me put it this way - ANY test drive is too long because you have no intentions of buying the vehicle. What you want to do is go for a joy ride.

I am not saying you are a bad or dishonest person( especially since you claim you will be up front and honest about your intentions - hope that is true )just that what you propose is not right. Even more so because now you tell us you are going to buy a used vehicle not a brand new one( be sure and tell them THAT too ). So basically you are using the car dealer's new vehicles to figure out what you want 2+ years from now and you won't even go back to one of them to buy a new car from them for their troubles helping you out. Uncool man BIG TIME.

Also, I didn't say I would tell you get the F out either. That is YOU adding comments. I would definitely tell you no and to come back when you were serious but I would not swear. Again, that is you. The hit you where the good lord split you is me saying something on an internet forum as sarcasm not how I would handle a real business conversation with a real client. I actually have run my own business since 1990 so I am doing something right
. Of course you are not having a real business conversation because you have no intetnions of buying. You want to go for a joy ride disguised as research for a future used car purchase.

If you ever do have a conversation with someone about how you were treated when you asked for permission for "research test drives"
make sure you tell those folks you are talking to that the research is for 2+ years down the road and for a used car if you are complaining that the dealer said no! Make sure they understand you never had any intentions, now or later, to buy a new vehicle from them. You just used them.

As far as your 1st comments/post to me yes I do feel adding 50 miles to a vehicle( sounds like you want to add a lot more than that though )is a big deal. When people buy a new vehicle they don't want to see miles on it. Vehicles with a lot of test drive miles sell for less. What if 10 guys were like you and took the vehicle joy riding for 50 miles. Suddenly there are 500 miles on it. Would you go to a dealer to buy a new car and see 500 miles on it and not want the price lower? Of course you only go to a dealer for joy rides not legitimate businiess so...

ANY time dealer personel would spend with you is a complete and total waste of their time and resources by your own admission. You have NO intentiions to buy a new car from them. You are using the dealer for personal reasons and IMO it is not the right thing to do. Don't forget all the gas you will use joy riding that the dealer pays for. Is it a small amount? yes, and something they are used to as part of doing business. HHowever, that is with people who plan to actually buy a new car which you do not.

You can try and couch this in any terms you want to try and make it look on the up and up but it is WRONG! It is not something I would ever do. Unethical IMO. I could care less about the ethics of car dealers. I can oonly control how I handle myself and I would never do soemthing like you are taliing about. Just wrong wrong wrong.

Ok, off the soap box.
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