How far would you drive on a gamble for a used car?

May 7, 2018
Northern KY
I’m looking at a $5000 car online. 2008 model, 114k miles. I’m withholding any further details for the sake of discussion. The photos all look good but it’s listed on the dealer’s website as “not inspected, sold as-is.” I’m interested in this particular vehicle because it is a somewhat uncommon manual version so there’s not another comparable vehicle any closer.

How far would you be willing to drive to view and possibly purchase a $5000 car?
Me? I have no fear of a 16hr roadtrip and longer if the destination has some things around or on the way I might want to see/do. After 16hrs I need a break or a stop for sleep. That's when I start picking apart the worth of the trip.
Unless it was some ultra rare vehicle that I couldn't do without, I wouldn't waste the time unless I just wanted to take a road trip.
Did that once to look at a year old Mustang convertible at a down state Illinois Ford dealership.
The trip was a "Trip" to say the least.
I am kind of in this boat myself. Additionally you will then need to transport the vehicle home - so thats part of the equation.

So far I have communicated with a couple used car dealers and there all pretty much worthless at responding to any actual questions. So I haven't driven anywhere. If it was the right car and looked good - I would likely limit it to a day trip - so maybe 5 hours one way or so I think will be my limit - unless something looks especially promising.

Like you I am looking for something not particularly valuable but not common either.
Rest assured it was inspected, they are CYA'ing because of the issues it has. I'd bet on clutch/transmission or accident issues.
The Carfax says the clutch was replaced at 71K which seems way early to me, but that might just be a really bad case of falling for the upsell.
While one man's trash might be another's treasure, the disclosure that the vehicle in question is being offered as as is and uninspected would not encourage me to drive very far. Probably no more than 100 miles and only as a nice day roadtrip at a leisurely pace.
I’m looking at a $5000 car online. 2008 model, 114k miles. I’m withholding any further details for the sake of discussion. The photos all look good but it’s listed on the dealer’s website as “not inspected, sold as-is.” I’m interested in this particular vehicle because it is a somewhat uncommon manual version so there’s not another comparable vehicle any closer.

How far would you be willing to drive to view and possibly purchase a $5000 car?
Is flying there out of the question? I have flown in one night and then driven a car home after finding the seller 100% truthful and buying it the next day as I had hoped to.
I did this very thing about a month ago. Found something fairly rare and at a price that was reasonable. All 15 pics I saw online were good, and didn't show anything alarming. The wife and I drove an hour and 20 minutes to find a vehicle with a flat tire, and body work with shoddy paint on every panel. I spoke to the dealer the night before, so they knew were were coming. Still arrived to the flat, and a dirty vehicle. The sales lady acted shocked when I told her not to bother getting the tire inflated, and I ran through what I saw on a cursory inspection. We just walked away and went home. Be prepared for disappointment.
I did this very thing about a month ago. Found something fairly rare and at a price that was reasonable. All 15 pics I saw online were good, and didn't show anything alarming. The wife and I drove an hour and 20 minutes to find a vehicle with a flat tire, and body work with shoddy paint on every panel. I spoke to the dealer the night before, so they knew were were coming. Still arrived to the flat, and a dirty vehicle. The sales lady acted shocked when I told her not to bother getting the tire inflated, and I ran through what I saw on a cursory inspection. We just walked away and went home. Be prepared for disappointment.
It happens. Too bad there are so many folks with very little shame. On a far away one if it put the hooks in me I would have to consider paying a certified auto inspector/appraiser to look it over. Costs a lot less than a trip and then dissapointment when they dont tell the whole truth.
It entirely depends on the vehicle in question… for example I ain’t driving more than 30 minutes to look at something like a Camry or Civic. I’d drive 4-5 hours for a clean v8 Dodge Magnum though.
Exactly! The op won't mention what car model it is for whatever reason but I ain't going far for a common car even it rare manual trans!
I’m looking at a $5000 car online. 2008 model, 114k miles. I’m withholding any further details for the sake of discussion. The photos all look good but it’s listed on the dealer’s website as “not inspected, sold as-is.” I’m interested in this particular vehicle because it is a somewhat uncommon manual version so there’s not another comparable vehicle any closer.

How far would you be willing to drive to view and possibly purchase a $5000 car?
Withholding details that may sway our answers.....