Honest question...

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There will always be those people that are not open minded enough to accept that another idea is better than the ideas they currently believe in. So you will end up with somebody bashing something, because of this and that. People just need to quit being so hard headed, and be more open minded to better options/possibilities.

I think that is where most of the negativity comes from is when peoples feelings get hurt, because their idea is disproved by someone else's. Or they are not mature enough to express their ideas/opinions.

It's hugely self-defeating to push your own ideas like that, IMO. If you truly want to be right, you have to be open to the idea that you might be wrong...
My personal ideology is that the world is propelled by the differences designed into people, and the interplay of ideas and opinins which results.

Therefore, anyone's personal ideas, including mine, or not terribly important. I don't have to convince anyone of anything - I don't have the responsibility of changing or saving the world, that capability is designed in.

The only thing that is important is the process of people interacting, so that the opinions and ideas can meet. So I do get a little alarmed when one group of people tries to stifle the opinions of others.

This is different from limiting behavior. A certain amount of civil behavior is critical, in order for the process to be tolerable enough to all participants to continue. It won't be completely painless though, most people can't discuss things that are important to them as if they were not. And even if you think you are being detached, you still have your own hidden hot buttons that can be triggered.

This is only my opinion. If other people disagree, that is OK too.
Originally Posted By: Familyguy
And no, I don't think it is possible to have well rounded conversations about some of the subjects you mentioned without touching on some of the "banned" topics. I'm also a bit confused about the "this is a family site" mantra. How many minors are going to be hanging out on a site full of old guys discussing the ins and outs of motor oil? :)

Why do you think that "family site" is limited to just minors? That's exactly what I want as well, & I'm not a minor.
Originally Posted By: tpitcher
What's wrong with politics and religion anyway? Is it a personal fear or a control issue or just because someone doesn't like it, we cannot udder it?

What is the root reason of the control over people?

I assume you weren't asking the last question philosophically. Are there not a plethora of other sites to discuss whatever you want? I see it as a clean option to the muck that the Internet is mired in. I don't see it as control as all. You choose to participate or not.
This thing is privately owned.

My mother in law's house: no drinkin'.

Wife's cousin: no cussin'

Them's the quirky rules of being a guest somewhere. IMO "personal attacks" against vehicle makes should be forbidden as well as against real people because it gets people riled up. Is your blood pressure rising in response? That should be a yardstick of a useless exchange of information.

An alternate BBS exists courtesy of TNS for RSP. Its unpopularity is refreshing, you can get a couple opinions then the thread dies of old age.
I also see that almost every subject is/can be tied to Pol, Rel, or Secks. Often they are actually the root causes of what we are conversing about!
It can be tough to dance around this fact in many discussions.

I also appreciate that this forum is trying to be kept to a high standard. We really don't want a free for all - it gets ugly.
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