Historic cicada season coming for some of us. Yuck


$50 Site Donor 2023
Jan 14, 2011
in Az where the Deer and Antelope play
Apparently the 17 year and 13 year cicadas are hatching this year together for the first time in 221 years and according to the maps in the article Illinois and Indiana will get both at the same time. Since they don't recognize state borders likely the bordering states to these two will get in on the fun too. We had them in Pa growing up and daughter experienced a hatch in Md in 2020.

Article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a...n&cvid=2f7fb2a08d3e495e84d1bfb676a15b27&ei=49

They don't bug me too bad. ;)

I actually kind of miss the sounds and when they first start up, it's comforting in a way. Then halfway through the season, I'm tired of it. Finding all the husks for months after is also cool (to me).
I usually hear them around here in June. I kind of like the sound they make. In the fall you can find a few dead ones on sidewalks and parking lots etc. The Cicada hornets that eat them are kind of scary but not very aggressive towards humans.
Do they have teeth - bite and chase you around the backyard?
Sounds like something new for my year-old puppy Henry to eat this summer.

That's not him to the left BTW. That's departed Roscoe, who tried to get after anything that moved with 2-4 legs.
Roscoe would play with insects on the grass or driveway. He would play & play with his front paws, until they stopped moving. Then Roscoe would leave what's remaining for me to remove with the broom.
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I've been through several of these hatching. Yes there are cicadas every year but these hatch outs are noisy and a pain in the butt. If you are near unmolested woods you won't be able to talk on the phone outside. If you have young trees, they will chew them up. Then there is going down the road on your motorcycle 55 mph and one of them gets stuck between your helmet and side of your face.
There was a pretty good hatch of them in East Central Indiana in June of 2021. This was when I was riding my silver Goldwing home from Indianapolis, the day I bought it.

They make a pretty good sound when they hit a helmet at 70mph.
Cicadas the size of small birds are fun. Try not to stand around looking like a tree - they will try to land on you so they can lay their eggs. 🤣
I'll take the cicada noise and carcasses over iguanas falling out of trees.
I don't know, it would depend on the size of the iguana. Don't linger under trees, I guess. At least iguanas don't come flying at you making a dreadful mechanical whirring-blades sound while also squeaking. Psychological warfare is their game. :ROFLMAO:
The annual cicadas are small populations compared to these periodic ones. I'm in an older neighborhood and just like 2007 and 1990 it will be Ground Zero here for them. But drive just a few miles to a newer suburb (say, Addison, Bloomingdale, Elk Grove etc) and there will be very few if any.

They don't bother me. The cats love to sit on the back porch and watch them. They are slow and clumsy flyers! The only bad thing about them is by about July 1 or so they are dying en-masse and they start to stink.