High School Reunions - Generational thing?

Sep 30, 2020
Canada, eh?
This year will be 25 years since I graduated HS.

While noticing this, I recall the time they tried organizing a 10 year reunion...and it failed.
Then they tried again at the 20 year mark in 2018, that attempt also failed (according to the one person I graduated with).
If anything, I'd guess the quarter century would be worth celebrating...but probably not.
I checked with the graduating class after mine (1999) and their reunion also didn't materialize.

Is it just me, or were these things more popular with older generations?
No idea--I decided long ago I wasn't going back. I think initially I held some grudges, now I wouldn't mind knowing how some made out in life, but honestly, I moved on--and so did they. I've not kept touch with anyone from grade or high school, nor college.

I feel a bit sad at times, but, life moves on.

Now maybe if I had kept in touch with a number of them, and hadn't moved miles away, maybe I'd feel different, dunno.
Graduated in 93, and from what I saw hanging near the checkout counter in a local Blockbuster video, they tried to do a 10 year. I have no idea if it went off or not. Never heard about a 20 and highly doubt I'll hear about a 30 this year.

I don't care either way, I wasn't friends with them then, and don't give a toss about them now.
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I went to a high school in a small town but it served the entire area so there were maybe 1000 students total - all 4 grades. They held a reunion at some point for sorta everyone. It was kind of a anyone that graduated 10 years or more ago can come, not just certain years. I guess it worked out - so I was told - at least people showed up, but it is a small town with not much going on.

My dad had graduated from the same school years earlier. He didn't go either and he still lives there, so not sure it is generational. Your either into that sorta thing or not.
I think it could be something older generations do. I personally want to attend my reunions at least if we have them which I hope we do especially since we had to miss out on graduation with the craziness. We were promised an in person graduation at a later date but nobody in my class wanted to do it. I feel the reunions will be the same way. I graduated in 2020 so I guess everyone didn’t want to do anything in person afterwards because everyone was just ready to get things over with and the circumstances. I personally look forward to my reunions. My sister hasn’t attended any of hers yet. She graduated in 2010. She asked some of her classmates in 2015 if they could do a 5 year reunion but they all wanted to wait for 10 years and that passed she was invited but didn’t go. I think if they are held nowadays the attendance is probably very low at least with the younger generation of people. My dad has attended all of his reunions he graduated in 1979. My mom said she attended her first one but she hasn’t been to any since then as her class wants to do nothing but have them at bars. She graduated in 1986. See I’m the type that wants to go because my school time was cut short and we didn’t get a graduation except riding through in a car and getting handed our diploma through the window. I absolutely hated school but I still like keeping up with everyone. Also it’s important because I barely was able to graduate because I couldn’t pass geometry or algebra and I had the same teacher for both who passed me because my attendance was good, I was nice and I tried is what she said and she knew I would be a successful mechanic. So being able to go to a reunion would make me feel more complete about finishing school too. Plus I like talking with people about the past and possibly the future too.
Now maybe if I had kept in touch with a number of them, and hadn't moved miles away, maybe I'd feel different, dunno.
I also thought the same when I was in my early 30s (after I'd moved two provinces away).
So when a bunch of buddies of mine from elementary/HS met up, I asked how others we went to school were.
Most stated that they didn't know, nor care how the others were doing despite all living minutes from each other.
I graduated in 1974. 50th reunion will be in 2024. We have them every 5 years.

Had a small class with 52 of us in my little town. Last reunion 14 people showed up. Rest either died or did not show. I know many have passed.

Sorry to say, I'll not be attending the next. About a 1 1/2 hour drive from my home. I never drive out of town or after dark. Sometimes as an old codger, it is best to know your limits.
Class of 98...never been to any of mine... there wasn't a 10, there was a 12 I think(?), after the following class had their 10 yr. (which i went to, had more friends in that class)
there was a 15, never heard about a 20, and not heard anything yet about a 25th.
of course they plan everything on Facebook, and I've never had an account, no desire to sign up ever.
only heard about the 15th, a few days before, from a Co-worker at the time, who happened to be dating one of my classmates.

My Uncle, Class of either '66, or '68, his class has the regular 5 year increments, and the ones who still live in the area get together for a monthly lunch.
I didn't attend our 10 year reunion in 2016 and didn't care to. I was added to the group for it 3 times. After the 3rd time, I made a post that said...

"Stop adding me to this group. The people I care about, I keep in touch with already. If I haven't spoken to you in 10 years, well there's probably a reason for that."

They didn't add me back. lol
This just made me realize how long ago I graduated. Never thought about going. I never even went back to school to pick up the paper diploma. I haven't seen anyone from High School in many years with the exception of 1 guy at a construction site a few years back. Said hey, neither of us speak with people from school days. Said good bye and moved on.
We don’t need to drive hundreds of miles back to see how your rival or high school sweetheart is doing. People reunite via social media. I don’t use personal social media, like Facebook, anymor, but back when I did I kept very casual, but worthwhile connections with very few people. For everyone else, if you didn’t try to find me and I didn’t try to find you to reconnect online, why would I want to see you?

I was one of the first non-Ivy league schools to use Facebook. When it opened up to everyone it was interesting when I received friend requests from absolutely awful people whom I did not get along with. Some would even message me with an update on their life and ask how I was doing. Delete. Block.

With all of that said, if I had kept in touch with people whom I ONLY interacted with online since school and we considered ourselves close enough to want to hang out again, I’d be down to setup a meet in place of a reunion. I’d rather spend a weekend hanging out with some of them doing something I want to do.
My Bride went to a couple of hers.

I think they were looking for me for one 20 or so years ago - but i wasn't interested...
I graduated 2010, we had our reunion all planned out and a spot reserved in the Seattle area. It hit right when the 'vid was taking off so it got canceled and haven't heard any plans since to try to reschedule it.

I think with social media now its not as big a deal since anyone we wanted to stay connected with is just a few taps away now
Yeah, we had a 10. One of our classmates was part owner of the bar/restaurant so we had the place to ourselves that night. With social media becoming a thing, the 20 was completely unnecessary. We caught up with each other just fine.