gun-control logic applied in auto-reverse

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Staff member
May 14, 2007
Indianapolis, IN

A man kills his family by driving them into a lake. All would agree this is a horrific loss of life. But this is a senseless tragedy that could have been prevented. Ask yourself these questions …

- If the vehicle were smaller, would fewer people have been killed? After all, an SUV with a third row seat is just too big. Fewer people would have died had this been a two-seat coupe. We need seating capacity limits!
- Why was there unrestricted access to a body of water? We should be demanding that all lakes and retention ponds have full barricades around them! It is just too easy to get into water!
- Was the vehicle was legally owned and registered? How did he get such easy access to this dangerous vehicle? Did he purchase this at a dealer, or from a private individual? Wait - what if he borrowed or even rented this SUV? We need laws to prevent loaning vehicles from one person to another. We need stricter laws curtailing the ownership of such large, inherently evil machines!
- How did the father get to the skills to kill like that? Did he practice on driving simulation games? Shouldn’t we require more and stricter laws to obtain a license? Apparently the academic and proficiency exams to get a driver's license are not enough! We need background checks to get a license!
- How did the vehicle get up to such a speed in the first place? Look at the damage to the front end; the impact was tremendous. Are vehicles just too fast and powerful now days? No one “needs” this much power. Let’s have power limits on vehicles!
- Is this not the fault of the automaker for providing the vehicle? In fact, is not the entire automotive industry at fault? They should be held civilly liable and sued for tremendous amounts of money because they make these vehicles with the full knowledge of how they can be used!

Sound familiar?

I want to be clear; I am NOT making light of the loss of life. This was premeditated murder.
But I am illustrating the inane logic and hypocrisy of gun-control talking-points.

And before you would argue that guns are made for killing and vehicles are not, ask yourself these additional three questions:
1) did the design intent of the weapon alter the quantity of people killed? (Could he not have killed more if his family were larger? After all, unused seats were available in this murder weapon.)
2) did the design intent of the weapon modify the degree of "dead-ness" of the family? (Would they have been "more" dead if a gun were used? Or maybe less dead if he suffocated them with a soft pillow?)
3) did the design intent of the weapon change the amount of terror in each victim's mind? Did the children have less fear because daddy wasn't pointing a 9mm semi-auto at them? Did the wife think to herself as they violently slammed into the water "Oh, good ... At least he's not shooting us with his assault rifle .... I feel much better about that ..."?

Think about it.

I should mention that this isn't about politics and we should stay far away from this here on BITOG in that regard. I'm pointing out the fact that (so called) logic is often a one-way street with some folks. Their "logic" is typically based upon emotion and not intellect.

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We have been making and importing guns for over 200 years.for every registered gun there is probly 2 that the govt does not know about.taking all known guns would be fruitless since that would only disarm law abiding citizens leaving guns in the hands of the wrong people
If you are trying to apply logic, common sense, facts or the truth to gun control you must remember that politicians make the laws. These are people that won a popularity contest by spending the most money. There's no connection between them and qualifications for that elective office. We have the most expensive collection of elected officials in the world. They don't want your input and gun control has yet to be implemented because the job is still out for bid. As soon as all the bids are in and confirmed we will be notified.
How many deaths are prevented by highway laws and licensing? No one is taking away your guns with common sense gun laws, just like no one takes away your car. The case is illogical, connecting unrelated dots. If a crazy person shoots your child you would change your mind about it. One child saved is enough reason.
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
How many deaths are prevented by highway laws and licensing? No one is taking away your guns with common sense gun laws, just like no one takes away your car. The case is illogical, connecting unrelated dots. If a crazy person shoots your child you would change your mind about it. One child saved is enough reason.

Guns as a health hazard:
Gun control is political and religious to some on this board. I have not seen a S part of RSP ban.....

Lame thread and application of logic.

Not for or against gun control. Your logical falls down because no citizen actually needs a gun for daily modern life in US. However you need a vehicle to live in many portions of USA(unfortunately).
Another example of two sides talking past each other. Yes there are a some people that think we should ban all guns and some people that think we should have no guns laws, but the real discussion should be in the middle ground: What can we do to minimize mass shootings, accidental shootings and criminals with high powered weapons?

My children live in a different world than I grew up in. My daughter called from her dorm room frantic that there was a false rumor that someone was going room to room shooting and knifing people. I didn't have the worry going to school that we might have a mass shooting. Just nuked by the Ruskies.
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Gun control is political and religious to some on this board. I have not seen a S part of RSP ban.....

Lame thread and application of logic.

Not for or against gun control. Your logical falls down because no citizen actually needs a gun for daily modern life in US. However you need a vehicle to live in many portions of USA(unfortunately).

Who are you to say what the average citizen needs?

The average US citizen doesn't need a boat either.. or a BITOG forum membership.

An appropriate response to this would not be that "guns are only used for killing." Of all my guns, 2 are used for hunting purposes and I most certainly am not a murderous felon. The rest are used for target shooting and having good times with family and friends. I am going to bust out a few this weekend with a good friend that I grew up with.

I do have a 70 year old Russian battle rifle which I dont have a clear history on, but perhaps in its passed life it was used for military purposes?
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Originally Posted By: goodtimes
One child saved is enough reason.

If that is a valid excuse for restricting our liberty, then there are a lot more things that need banning or restricting, including:

Drain cleaner
Plastic bags
Prescription medicines
Swimming pools
Football games
Swing sets
Electrical outlets
Small toys
Pit Bulls
Banana peels
Etc. etc. etc.

After all, if we can save just one child ...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin

Tom NJ
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Gun control is political and religious to some on this board. I have not seen a S part of RSP ban.....

Lame thread and application of logic.

Not for or against gun control. Your logical falls down because no citizen actually needs a gun for daily modern life in US. However you need a vehicle to live in many portions of USA(unfortunately).

You must live in a very nice place or maybe la-la land. Here in the Detroit area it is wise and encouraged by authorities to legally carry a firearm and has reduced crime dramatically.
Originally Posted By: madRiver
Gun control is political and religious to some on this board. I have not seen a S part of RSP ban.....

Lame thread and application of logic.

Not for or against gun control. Your logical falls down because no citizen actually needs a gun for daily modern life in US. However you need a vehicle to live in many portions of USA(unfortunately).
Actually there are instances where armed citizens would have eliminated or reduced tragedies.
Originally Posted By: Burt

My children live in a different world than I grew up in. My daughter called from her dorm room frantic that there was a false rumor that someone was going room to room shooting and knifing people. I didn't have the worry going to school that we might have a mass shooting. Just nuked by the Ruskies.

Yes, in the world I grew up in, the 1968 gun control act did not exist, or had just been passed, and crazy people were not allowed to roam the streets at will.

So, we should abolish the 1968 act, be prepared to call crazy people what they are - crazy - and put these crazy people back in institutions where they belong.

Not to mention the illegal "immigrants" which are in no way helpful if you live anywhere close to the southern border.
The flaw with this argument (as the OP pointed out) is the car is a tool designed to transport people around. It's used to take someone to work, appointments, grocery store.

A gun is strictly designed to kill.

I'm not taking a position on either side here, simply pointing out that comparing cars to guns is an absurd argument.
More importantly, this is a heavily political thread that was started by a moderator on a forum that ostensibly has a no-RSP policy.

Again, does that policy exist, or does it not?
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