Getting the sugar out.

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With regard to the "natural" cane's still plain sugar and will have the same general effect on your body. Not any better for you.

It's NOT analogous to "whole grain" flour vs. white processed flour. "natural" cane sugar doesn't have the fiber that whole grain product do (which counteract the glycemic effects of the simple carbs). Does that make sense?

Good luck!
I have been said not to read horror stories before the sleep. The topic was so interesting: "the sugar out", I though "out of gas tank".

Now I don't already know whether my fatigue syndrom is due to a low blood pressure or it is caused by a high sugar consomation with coffee that I drink to pump pressure up: around 15-20 cups of 100 ml, 1 1/2 teaspoon of coffee and 2/3 of teaspoon of sugar.

If there is no enough will-power to abstain from sugar at all, would not be more safe at least to substitute glucose for sugar ?
As far as I have been able to find out, glucose is just as bad as sugar. But sometimes it is necessary for a diabetic.

You say you drink 15-20 cups of coffee? That is a lot. I am drinking coffee in the morning but not in the evening before going to bed. I drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. Then I usually drink no more coffee all day. I drink some green tea and I really like South African Rooibos tea with a little safe sweetener from the heath food store and some lemon in it. And I am trying to drink lots of water (and I sometimes put lemon in it). If you drink lots of water it discourages eating and water is good for you. Plus it discourages drinking something else like coffee or tea. It is very dry in Colorado anyway.
Last time it happens only during really tough days. I have already started to feel bad from such amount of coffee and try to limit it now, but it's still 12 cups minimum. I found that coffee discourages eating too. The water makes me sick, but may be it's just some "uncompatibility" with smoking. A lot of water, how much is this and how is it safe for kidnies ?

would not be more safe at least to substitute glucose for sugar ?

they are the same thing. glucose is the sugar in your blood.
if your pancreas(sp?) doesn't produce enough insulin to deal with your glucose level then you are diabetic. your glucose can be too high or too low, serious health issues arise from either.
if your pancreas is overactive and produces too much insulin then you glucose level is always too low and you suffer many of the symptoms as a diabetic. that's called hypoglycemic. at some point your pancreas will wear out from overproduction and you'll end up diabetic. it can give you blurred vision, difficulty thinking clearly, make you grouchy, and sleepy, those are just the minor effects!
i suffer from the latter but control it through diet. i have to eat complex carbs to slowly release glucose into my blood and keep my pancreas from over-reacting and dumping a bunch of insulin into my system.
in a wose case senario a hypoglycemic (or diabetic) can pass out from eating too much sugar (just a piece of cake). the hypoglycemic will have a reaction, get too much insulin and the glucose will go too low. the diabetic will have the opposite problem with no glucose regulation and the glucose level will go too high.
you are not supposed to drink alcohol either because it is just simple carbs. i drink in moderation but i believe i get worse hangovers sometimes because of the hypoglycemia causing my glucose level to go too low after drinking.

sorry for the long post, just thought i'd share some info on health defects.
I knew a friend who drank Gatorade like soda and had to see a doctor because it wrecked his system. So Glucose is out. Water is in. But in America they say 8 glasses a day. I've heard others say drink to satisfy thirst.

Personally, get the refined sugar out of the diet. And cut down on high glycemic carbs (cookies, cake, soda, etc). I find you can't get enough complex carbs (veg, whole grains) even as hard as you try.
Most of the whole grains in this country are in the form of dry cereal-check the boxes and they all seem to have sugar. Heck, I checked whole grain wheat bread at the grocery store and the ingredients listed sugar!

Probably the only place to get whole grains is at a health food store.

Some time back in the past there was a story that people were working on a sweetener made from orange peel. That is the last I ever heard about that. Either they ran into problems or the powerful sugar industry made sure that idea went no where.

Originally posted by tom slick:
sorry for the long post, just thought i'd share some info on health defects.

Very interesting and useful info, briefly and clear, thank you a lot, Tom Slick !

Mystic, thank you too for sharing your experience and giving a good clue on water.

Hope everything was said here will help to make a right choice.

Originally posted by Mystic:
Most of the whole grains in this country are in the form of dry cereal-check the boxes and they all seem to have sugar. Heck, I checked whole grain wheat bread at the grocery store and the ingredients listed sugar!

Probably the only place to get whole grains is at a health food store.

.... Either they ran into problems or the powerful sugar industry made sure that idea went no where.

Mystic, it sounds like you are going overboard in your quest to eliminate regular sugar. Fortunately, it's like the quest for the perfect engine oil. You will accomplish good things along the way and do no harm if you use your head and show some moderation.

If you buy cereal in a store, look for cereals that have sugars low on the list of ingrediants. The labels are required to list the ingredients in decending order of how much of that ingredient is in the food.

Have you noticed how unhealty a lot of the people that work in health food stores look?

I doubt the sugar industry had anything to do with he orange peel stuff not making it to market. Just look at the number of sugar substitutes on the market.
Well, it is kind of nice to have whole grain cereal for breakfast, and dry cereal is easier to make if you are in a hurry to get to work. I will check and see what dry cereals have the least amount of sugar.

I am staying off the pop, though. One can of soda pop has a huge amount of calories. And the soda pop that has artificial sweeteners is no good either. Even if you are traveling, you can sub. tea and coffee for soda pop. Put your own sweetener into tea, like Stevia.

I do think that sugar is a major problem in this country, though. Just try going without sugar for a few weeks. I felt better in less than two weeks.
GREAT thread...whatever happened to ?
Perhaps a health section on BITOG, then?
I ran into a GREAT sale on 'energy bars' made by Panda of Finland. Rasp flavor is molasses, wheat flour, citric acid, nat flavor.
Regular is molasses, oat bran, wheat flour, raisin, whole wheat flour, apple juice concentrate, citric acid.
More info upon request, but hehehehehe, since they don't contain sugar, corn syrup solids, etc, seems no one wants them, and the store has these 32 g / 1.12 oz bars at 10 for $1.00

Should I add them to the oil, gas, or both?
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