German public now favors extending life of Nuclear power plants

Jun 8, 2022
Lowcountry South Carolina
Likely of interest to many here. The German public is now overall in favor of extending Nuclear Power. Likely the key take away - italics my paraphrase - quote from the article - due to energy issues cause by the war in Ukraine "Previously, the majority of the public was in favor of the nuclear phaseout in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster; now over 80% are in favor of extending the lifespan of Germany's existing nuclear reactors."

Germany's decision to phase-out nuclear while ramping up wind and solar, which are incapable of replacing nuclear, was utterly idiotic. The idea that they could also phase-out coal was abject fantasy. They've brought mothballed coal capacity back online, which has, understandably, caused public outrage because they have been sold this bill of goods on the "transition to renewables". It is shocking these folks that when the reactors are shuttered, they are replaced by coal.

Fear-mongering by green grifters to shutdown Germany's large and world-class nuclear fleet, leveraging an event caused by both a Tsunami (which Germany can't experience) and a regulator in the pocket of industry, is one of the greatest triumphs of ideology over reason ever perpetrated. This highlights the perception/reality paradox that is the German population, oft viewed abroad as driven by logic and reason to the point of detriment yet the reality is that emotion was easily leveraged to sell the romanticization of some perverse call-back to the simplicity of agrarianism (we'll depend on the sun and the wind; we'll depend on nature and it will be utopia) while advanced technology was demonized; cast as being unmanageable and dangerous, full of mystique and scientific woo and that it must be abandoned at all cost.

This is the result:
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