Funny Typos or Misspellings

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Originally Posted By: benjamming
Originally Posted By: Panzerman
Most of my cloths and alot of the kids, have come from yard sales and garage sales.

Your kids came from yard sales & garage sales? What is the going price now? Do they come completely furbished?
One thing I hear a lot is "Jerry-rigged" in place of "jury rig" (i.e. a temporary repair in nautical jargon).
when the whole anthrax in the mail scare was upon us a guy I knew said he was scared to death of Amtraks. I asked him why and told him I rode on one from NC to FLA a few years back and other than the kids screaming all night it wasn't bad. He said how da heck do you ride on a piece of mail??? I couldn't help but laugh really hard and tell him he was a moron.
Apparently it's common for municipalities to misspell "public" as "pubic", spell checker doesn't catch it and they don't proofread. It's usually caught at city council meetings though.

I used to work with a guy that made of his own words by adding extra letters (not on purpose). His most famous was "look it up on gurgler"
In the election, people refer to the Dem candidate as the "Democratic" candidate. He's not. He's the Democrat candidate.

I hear this a lot in the news.
Originally Posted By: ToyotaNSaturn
In the election, people refer to the Dem candidate as the "Democratic" candidate. He's not. He's the Democrat candidate.

I hear this a lot in the news.

not really, the dem. candidate is the nominee of the Democratic party. We don't refer to the rep. nominee as a Republic candidate.

There are some politics being played by spinning the names.
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