FRAM website update gets an A !

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they may as well try to be honest.. it's not like they could hide or pay someone off to NOT publish the info on their filters like in the 80's & 90's.

The internet can easily make or break a products reputation nowadays.

fram can't be bashed up for trying to hide the facts about their OCOD's.. they even make video's on how strong their OCOD's are, and while it looks impressive. I merely don't want to be the 1 person who get caught with a bad OCOD. And don't want to pay $5 more for a filter that should be what the OCOD should be.
Anyone else see that fram rated their Tough Guard filters up to 10,000 miles now? Interesting
Haters will continue to be haters no matter how transparent Fram is. They have a social stigma that is equal to Enron.
Originally Posted By: DirtRacer53
Anyone else see that fram rated their Tough Guard filters up to 10,000 miles now? Interesting

Technically, if the OEM interval is 10K, the OCOD should be rated that far as well.
Originally Posted By: DirtRacer53
Anyone else see that fram rated their Tough Guard filters up to 10,000 miles now? Interesting

And Ultra provides "greater than 15,000 miles of engine protection" (emphasis added).
Some of the smaller capacity Fram Ultra filters are rated for 10K miles - not 15K.

Example: Fram Ultra XG9688
Originally Posted By: 147_Grain
Some of the smaller capacity Fram Ultra filters are rated for 10K miles - not 15K.

Example: Fram Ultra XG9688

Is it shown on the actual box of the filter then?
Originally Posted By: 147_Grain
Some of the smaller capacity Fram Ultra filters are rated for 10K miles - not 15K.

Example: Fram Ultra XG9688

The part numbers can be confusing. The former Xtended guard was a 97% @ 20u 10k filter. They upgraded the Xtended guard to the 99% @20u 15k Ultra last year removing the xtended guard from production. But...They kept the same part number convention, the Ultra still attaches "XG" (xtended guard) to its part number. They get an "F" for that, should have changed to "UG" or "U".

There are still 97% @ 20u 10k xtended guards out there, especially if you order online, beware! You gotta look for the Ultra name until the rest of the xtended guards in circulation disappear.
Originally Posted By: tc1446
If I use a 15K Ultra and change every 7500 mi, I can run the Ultra for two OCI's?

Technically, yes you could run the Ultra for two 7500 OCIs for a total of 15K on the filter if your engine is in good shape and clean inside.
I still have one of the old Extended Guards that was only rated for 7,000 miles, says so right on the box in large type. I think that was the very first Extended Guard offering.
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