Ford Focus or Kia Spectra - Opinons Needed

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In my opinion, today Kia is better than Ford. BUT. This situation is an exception. The 2003 Kia Spectra I believe was the last year of the Mazda Designed engine. I'm not a big fan of those type of Spectra. It it were a 2004 Hyundai Engineered Kia, then I would take it in a heart beat.
Ya I wish Hyundai could have hooked up with Asin for tranmissions instead of Mistubishi in 2001.

The engine is thrashy but I doubt any small 4 cylinder wouldn't be in a economy car.

Car is really quiet at idle though.

Other then the transmisson problem(all fixed though), I can't say bad about it. It starts everyday.

My MIL's Sonata is fabolous too, that thing just moves...nice growl too for a mild V6.
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