Flat tire help - urgent but not emergency anymore

May 26, 2007
I am on vacation in Canada and my 2012 Fit (185/55R16) just got a flat. I visually checked the tires before heading out to the train station this morning and the front tires look slightly low but I figured it was due to the wheel being turned causing them to look low. They drove fine to the training station and looked fine. I tried to check upon return but couldn’t have a good look becaise the parking lot was dark and my Fit was squeezed between two large trucks.

The drive home was 18 miles and around 15 miles I noticed the tire pressure gauge turned on. The car still drove fine so I drove home and saw that the front driver side was very low but far from completely flat. I put away the shopping bags and went out with intention of driving to the nearest open gas station with a confirmed tire pump and notice the tire was completely flat at the time, which was less than 30 mins from when I pulled in the lodging driveway.

Of course, the one time I left my e-kit at home, I have a flat. I did pit the donut tire on. This trip included 5 people and all of our gears which loaded the car up fully so I couldn’t bring my trusty Caterpillar jump box that has a air pump and a small compartment for my flat tire repair kit.

I got the tires in the US and am now in Hamilton, Ontario. There is a Wally about 2 miles away and a Costco 8 miles away. I don’t trust Wally in US for tires, would Costco fix my flat as I am a member but don’t recall if I got this set of tires there at Costco or not since tires in weird size had 8+ months waiting period during covid. I don’t mind paying for the repair as it can’t be more than $40 CAD. I just rather not be scammed into a new set of tires when these Michelin Defenders only have 20k miles on them at the most and I remember for sure having to wait 2 years for availability during covid because ai wanted Defender tires and not just anything available.

Any tip on honest shop would be great. I would love to just have Costco do the repair even if ai have to pay. Is Canadian Tires a good and honest shop?

Any tire shop should offer tire repair service as long as the puncture is a certain distance from the sidewall. I think $20 to $30 is the average price for repair.
Hopefully you can get to a tire shop that can repair your tire. Yeah, it may cost you $50 but you'll be on your way.
And always pray first 🙏 that they won't scam you 🫵 and the tire shop will be honest.👼
Find a place to fix the flat. Try a 2nd if first does not work out.

On flat repair I’d expect $40 - $100 CAD depending on locale.
5 people & luggage in a Fit? OUCH. Hopefully it can be fixed & is OK.
The Fit is rated for 5 people and some luggages. We definitely went overboard with with luggages but no more than 150 lbs over a typical typical daily load. During flat terrain, I averaged 42 mpg and about 34 mpg on very steep mountain terrain for the overall average of 37 mpg our first leg of 560 miles. The Fit is rated for 33 mpg from factory in 2012.

The flat occured when there was 4 people and no luggage coming back from train station. I think I ran over something and I surely didn’t feel it as the roads in Canada, Toronto, Hamilton, and Burlington, are horrendous.
I don’t think Costco fixes tires. I’m pretty sure they just do installs, balancing and rotations.
If you bought the tires from COSTCO, they can repair a flat depending on the degree and position of the damage. This is the statement from the US website...not sure about Canada.

Go to any parts store and pick up a $5-$10 tire patch kit.

This is what I would do. I have fixed many puncture flats with the simple rope repair, and have never had one give out. Many times lasting 10's of k's of miles.
If you are worried about the trip back home, buy a bike pump, and just do it again on the drive if it somehow comes out - I have never had one come out.
If you bought the tires from COSTCO, they can repair a flat depending on the degree and position of the damage. This is the statement from the US website...not sure about Canada.

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Wasn't aware of that, good to know and thanks for clarifying.

Alternatively, I would find a local Canadian Tire store, buy a plug kit from them and fix it myself. Also, get a pair of pliers to pull out whatever punctured the tire.
You can try any major tire store. Canadian Tire is fine. The cost won't be very high ($20 maybe) as long as the tire is repairable.

If you bought the tire at Costco any Costco tire center will repair it for you at no cost. They seem to be able to figure out if you bought a tire from Costco without presenting the receipt (don't know if that works across the border but it certainly works inside Canada).

I've had to replace a few tires (still having good tread on them) when they were damaged by driving on them when they got too low. My Solara drove perfectly normally with a very low tire and I damaged the side walls on 2 different occasions. On both occasions I started out with a normal tire, picked up something on the road and arrived with a very low tire with a damaged side wall.
The internet isnt going to be helpful here.
Get roadside assistance service.