Fish Oil

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Nov 16, 2002
Does anyone take Fish Oil, or the latest, Krill Oil, as a regular supplement? If so, what are your experiences?
I've been taking fish pills about 2/day for several years. It seems to make me feel a little better than not taking them. I take this brand called Natural Factors. They're not the most inexpensive but they are a lot less expensive and seem just as good as Nordic Naturals which are really expensive.

I haven't used Krill oil, but as long as the oil contains adequate EPA and DHA oils and no fillers and is molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade and pure, I don;t think the source matters.

Our food and diet is low in Omega 3 essential fats, and fish can be contaminated with mercury and other stuff, so I think most people could benefit from some supplement.
Originally Posted By: buster
Does anyone take Fish Oil, or the latest, Krill Oil, as a regular supplement? If so, what are your experiences?

Yes I also take both (fish oil & krill) 3 times a day. Got me off my cholesterol drug!
I took it for a little while until I started having hellishly awful B.O. If I sweated, it stunk like ... I'm not sure how to describe it, but it was so bad I couldn't stand to be around myself. I can't even imagine what I must have smelled like to other people. My pee smelled pretty rank, too. I stopped taking fish oil and the stink went away very quickly.
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Yeah fish oil will make you smell and ladies too if you know what I mean. I take a gnc fish oil pill three times a week. But I also eat a lot of fish anyway. I'm in generally good health so I don't feel a big difference.
The fish oil I take the Natural Factors has almost no smell even if you sniff a whole bottle of the pills and never has given me any fishy aftertaste, odor or anything like that. I think some of the cheap fish pills might have that problem on top of the fact they often contain very little omega-3s.

The difference I think is the purity and distillation. I just want a concentrated and pure, no contaminates or additives source of essential fats EPA and DHA.
Originally Posted By: buster
Does anyone take Fish Oil, or the latest, Krill Oil, as a regular supplement? If so, what are your experiences?

Krill oil for the last couple of years or so. If it feels good it is!
I take two 1400mg twice a day per physician. The only place I can find that dosage is at Sam's Club or Amazon. The brand is called Simply Right. No odor or bad taste at all. Honestly I don't know if they're doing anything but I'll continue as long as the Doc says to do so.
My family history says I will die of a heart attack due to high cholesterol causing plaque and blocking off arteries. Doctor wanted me to take cholesterol reducing drugs if on my next visit my cholesterol and tryglicerides were still elevated.

I started taking high doses of fish oil (like 9g total daily) to reduce the trygliceride component of total cholesterol. Look at the DHA & EPA content, that is what matters. It is usually something like 300mg per pill. I targeted a dose of 2.5 grams of DHA & EPA combined. My tryglicerides dropped substantially in 6 months time.

I also pop niacin to elevate HDL (good cholestrerol), red yeast rice (lower LDL), plant sterols and psyllium husk (sequester cholesterol). So far at 2 years in, I have seen HDL rise from 35 to 65. LDL fall from 140 to 110. Tryglicerides fall from around 220 to the 80-100 range.
Tstep, I dont have cholesterol, but I take 2 vitamin D and one fish oil a day, along with a cayenne pill. My problem is I still have lower Vitamin D than I should.

Been taking Kirkland regular fish oil for about 10 years. My total cholesterol is 130. Tri's are 75. Seems to work. Good/Bad ratio also good.

Funny thing is I don't burp these. But the ones in the clear bottle which are supposed to reduce burping make me burp. Go figure. You can tell they are working as the first pee after taking is stinky.
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