"Donating" Plasma - I'm a Prick

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Oct 10, 2021
So I work (when I work - retired) with a 37 year old gal. We have always gotten along great and I help teach her my former job.
She lives with a POS boyfriend, and we don't see eye to eye, to say the least.

She and I have a couple beers at night after work. Normally drive down to a local lake and sit in the parking lot, in full view of all the other people.
He's a VERY jealous type, and always has to come cruising past and ruin a good time. I'm a 66 year old man and have zero interest in getting in her pants, no threat.

He has a double wide trailer house in not very good shape...LOL. Always broke, but has $ for tattoo's, pot, beer and cigarettes.
So if he is not pestering us drinking a beer, he will call her. What are you doing? Her - just drinking a beer. What are you doing? Him - "donating"

Me being me - I say "donating" is given free of charge. He is getting paid. He is "selling" plasma! I get in every jab I can, because he is a jerk to me.
I thought this was some kind of joke, but looks like you might have an encounter with this guy some day.

Anyways speaking of donating bodily fluids.

Everyone should sign up to be a bone marrow donor, you could save a childs life:

All you have to do is swab your cheeks and send it in, no blood test to get on the list, easy peazy.

We are also in a huge blood shortage now so donating blood is good if you can spare it, I don't think it should be a source of income though!!
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So I work (when I work - retired) with a 37 year old gal. We have always gotten along great and I help teach her my former job.
She lives with a POS boyfriend, and we don't see eye to eye, to say the least.

She and I have a couple beers at night after work. Normally drive down to a local lake and sit in the parking lot, in full view of all the other people.
He's a VERY jealous type, and always has to come cruising past and ruin a good time. I'm a 66 year old man and have zero interest in getting in her pants, no threat.

He has a double wide trailer house in not very good shape...LOL. Always broke, but has $ for tattoo's, pot, beer and cigarettes.
So if he is not pestering us drinking a beer, he will call her. What are you doing? Her - just drinking a beer. What are you doing? Him - "donating"

Me being me - I say "donating" is given free of charge. He is getting paid. He is "selling" plasma! I get in every jab I can, because he is a jerk to me.
For the life of me I just can't wrap my brain around what gets into these chicks' heads. They have this weird "bum complex". The girls are always hot, have a good job, new car, nice house, college educated, etc. But they always have this loser dude all hanging around. He doesn't work, doesn't have his own car, always drives her car, mooches off her, camps out at her house, is always ugly as original sin, is a total douche, and always abusive. The girls are always their meal tickets or something. It's like they have this weird hang up that they have to "fix" all these loser guys or something. 🤷‍♂️
I'm signed up as an organ donor in case something is to ever happen to me. Every part of me can be donated to someone who needs it in the event of my death.
Whatever is between that woman and her trailer trash boyfriend, it's NOT love.

Love does NOT involve such behavior as the OP described. It might be lust, or a cure for being alone, or a release for basic animal urges,
but it's not love, and you can take that to the bank.

These females who are attracted to scumbag guys are nearly always repeating behavior patterns they learned when they were young and unable to defend themselves physically or mentally. The patterns are typically established by interactions the young girl has with her father or some other older man. Then the girl grows older, but she is still prone to repeating the pattern she learned when she was young. This is very common, and any decent social worker or psychiatrist can attest to this.

If there's one thing I know for sure, it is this : we cannot fix this sort of behavior on the part of another person. The wise move would be to distance yourself from interacting with her outside of the work environment. As Owen Lucas said above, you might have an encounter with this
guy ( the idiot trailer trash boyfriend ) some day. It's not possible to predict what her scumbag boyfriend might do, and such situations can spin out of control in a hurry. Ask any cop about the risks they face in domestic situations. A domestic situation is exactly what you have inserted yourself into.

Are you really 66 years old ? Because if you are, you should know better than to get mixed up in messes like this by this stage of your life.


Bottom line :

By continuing to have beers with this woman you are asking for trouble from her idiot boyfriend.

And when you ask for trouble, you do not get to decide how much trouble you get.

Of course no sensible person would start trouble over such an innocent situation. But the boyfriend has already provided you with abundant evidence that HE IS NOT SENSIBLE. Since the boyfriend is an idiot, it's up to you to be smart and avoid the situation. Avoiding the situation has nothing to do with being a coward, it has to do with being smart. There's no upside to continuing to have beers with this woman, it is ALL downside, and how bad the downside gets is not something you can control. Avoidance of the situation is the only smart play.
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For the life of me I just can't wrap my brain around what gets into these chicks' heads.

The "chicks" are repeating patterns of behavior they learned early in life.

This is extremely common. Any psychologist or counselor or psychiatrist or domestic violence expert can verify that this behavior is learned and is a repeating pattern.

No man on earth has the power to fix these "chicks".

The only smart play is to get far away from such "chicks" and never go near them again.
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This whole scenario sounds like a recipe for disaster. Your friendship is likely raising the temperature with her already jealous boyfriend which is probably ultimately being taken out on her. I won't second guess your stated intentions but it should go without saying that even if we believe you- her boyfriend will not. You can't fix her just like she can't fix him.
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Some do not know when to mind their own business. You may start making trouble for your friend.

If he wants to sell his plasma, that's his business.
The person receiving the plasma it won't care if the Red Cross received it for free or paid for it..
So I work (when I work - retired) with a 37 year old gal. We have always gotten along great and I help teach her my former job.
She lives with a POS boyfriend, and we don't see eye to eye, to say the least.

She and I have a couple beers at night after work. Normally drive down to a local lake and sit in the parking lot, in full view of all the other people.
He's a VERY jealous type, and always has to come cruising past and ruin a good time. I'm a 66 year old man and have zero interest in getting in her pants, no threat.

He has a double wide trailer house in not very good shape...LOL. Always broke, but has $ for tattoo's, pot, beer and cigarettes.
So if he is not pestering us drinking a beer, he will call her. What are you doing? Her - just drinking a beer. What are you doing? Him - "donating"

Me being me - I say "donating" is given free of charge. He is getting paid. He is "selling" plasma! I get in every jab I can, because he is a jerk to me.

Not trying to get personal, but I'm not seeing where you would want to be within 5 miles of a woman like this.

1). This guy is a total dirtbag going nowhere in life at 100 MPH.

2). Yet she is attracted to him for whatever reason. (Most likely gets turned on by, "bad boys").

3). In spite of all of this guys shortcomings, she's still involved with him, yet drinks beer with you. (Most likely to aggravate him).

4). He's low class, stupid, and worst of all jealous. If this isn't a recipe for a dangerous disaster on your part, I don't know what is.

I would run like a rabid hound, as fast as I possibly could away from her, along with that whole stinking mess. Go find yourself a decent gal who isn't young enough to be your daughter.

And who has better standards in regards to the men she chooses to live with. Trust me, you'll be a hell of a lot happier, and not have to worry about getting beaten to a pulp... Or worse. Right now you're playing with a ticking bomb.
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