Does it bug you people taking their dogs shopping in stores?

Oct 10, 2021
I like this sign. Service dogs, I understand and am fine with. But some people get carried away, put that cute little mutt into their purse or shopping cart.
Same place I put my food. Dog butt from previous shopper just in there!
If dogs are allowed (Home Depot) I have no problem with it and have taken ours several times.

What is annoying is people with 'service dogs' that clearly are not.


I should add, that I do pay attention to other people's reactions. If they are clearly bothered or seem to have an issue, I'll vacate the area or go the other way to what I'm looking for. Pretty rare though, most people I've run across just want to pet her.
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Don’t get me started on dogs allowed in hotels. I travel for work and half the time I’m woken by a dog barking. Maybe we should start allowing cats too. That way they can use the hotel bed as a litter box.
Depends on the store and dog. I don't mind medium sized and larger dogs in stores like Home Depot. They don't usually find themselves in grocery stores. I don't like small dogs in general as they're usually the most poorly trained dogs around. My neighbor has a beautiful black shepherd and a smaller breed fuzzy looking dog. That fuzzy dog has gotten the woman and her shepherd in more trouble. Man I've wanted to take that shepherd for a run.
The only legitimate reason for taking your dog into the store is, in my opinion,

If it is so sunny and hot out that you cannot safely leave the animal in the car. But if its a poorly behaved dog, you should drop the dog off at home before you go back out to go shopping.

There are people who are fearful of dogs and other animals. If they are in the store shopping, and somebody comes in with their dog, it could cause distress. I know, if someone came in wearing their Burmese python, I would not be thrilled.
I have horrible asthma. Very allergic to dogs. I love animals. I take allergy shots monthly. Some will set me off bad. I don't mind so much as long as the owners understand some people can't be around them and the dog is not actually there to buy anything. The local gym lets them in. I cancelled my membership there. Found a different place, was just having a hard time breathing, there were a lot of dogs.

I flew one time and a dog was next to me. I explained my situation and they moved me. Not a problem if you are considerate about having your pet with you and peoples reaction to them.
I think someone touched on it earlier, with the whole "don't leave your dog in the hot car" thing from a few years ago, this started to become more normal. Some people take their dogs everywhere, instead of training them to deal with separation anxiety or whatever.

I don't really have a problem with it, as long as it's not something like a grocery store or restaurant. The only store I would take my dog into would be a pet store, but aside from the day we got her, and puppy training, I don't even recall doing that.
At Home Depot or Tractor Supply sure. In Walmart and other grocery stores in the cart can't stand it. I love dogs but don't want to put food where your dog put his butt. Sure wish a manager would grow a pair and tell people it's not allowed but the policy is probably from corporate, don't upset anyone. Here people don't even bother to get the fake support animal harnesses, just walk in with them on a leash.
Here you are allowed to have them in the grocery store.. but not in the cart.
Watched one grab an apple and slobber on a couple more. The guy working their threw out about 20lbs.

I wish the owner would have had to pay.
It's not ok in food stores. It's unsanitary, and it's the same reason we can't go barefoot or topless. It's crude and goes against polite society even if it's "probably ok."

The people that want these dogs in there are the most fragile snowflakes who want the world to revolve around them and their yappy teacup shtizoo with an ebay counterfeit service animal harness. No. Start adulting today, get over your agoraphobia, or starve to death, preferably before you breed.

I like the detail in that sign, it preemptively counters the most common arguments. Karen.