I think that like with all kinds of reports, reviews, road tests, etc, you have to take it with a grain of salt and read between the lines a little. Especially with subjective opinions and even measured, quantified tests because experiments are only as good as they are designed to be.
Have I seen inconsistencies? Sure I have, but some of them have reasons. For example, a new Honda model comes out. Without waiting for any data to come in they instantly predict reliability will be good. Woah! Wait, hold the phone here!! Man, isn't this the most blatant anti-American pro-import garbage you've ever seen? Well, actually no. They can say that because for the last 20 years or so every Honda manufactured vehicle has had pretty good to outstanding reliability.
I think it's unfair to bash CR as being nothing but biased propaganda, and I think their tests and comments do have their value and place - just a grain of salt remember. People would figure it out eventually and they'd lose credibility once they take their advice and find it burns them. Besides, pretty much every article you read is "biased" at least a little bit anyway. Take any review written by Car and Driver for example (one of my favourite mags BTW).
Just my $0.02....
[ June 30, 2003, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: 4DSC ]
Have I seen inconsistencies? Sure I have, but some of them have reasons. For example, a new Honda model comes out. Without waiting for any data to come in they instantly predict reliability will be good. Woah! Wait, hold the phone here!! Man, isn't this the most blatant anti-American pro-import garbage you've ever seen? Well, actually no. They can say that because for the last 20 years or so every Honda manufactured vehicle has had pretty good to outstanding reliability.
I think it's unfair to bash CR as being nothing but biased propaganda, and I think their tests and comments do have their value and place - just a grain of salt remember. People would figure it out eventually and they'd lose credibility once they take their advice and find it burns them. Besides, pretty much every article you read is "biased" at least a little bit anyway. Take any review written by Car and Driver for example (one of my favourite mags BTW).
Just my $0.02....
[ June 30, 2003, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: 4DSC ]