I imagine cost might be the driver for someone to select a multi vechicle fluid, however i have a local vendor that has access to genuine Dexron VI and our local Canadian Tire sells licensed Dexron VI. Between those two and a pan drop every 5 years, my Chevy 6L-90 has 260,000 miles. However, another data point is that the vehicle does a lot of commuting on highways with no stop and go traffic, plenty of cooling and very little shifting on its 40 mile daily route. City driving with constant shifting in hot weather would definitely be harder on the transmission, masking any “ scientific” results. I’m not interested in experimenting with a one size fits all solution. To each his own.
It would be more useful to see conclusive, credible "fails" of multivehicle fluids. The successes are many, so the fails become the outliers worthy of note -- and scrutiny.

Someone recently claimed a Castrol multivehicle to be problematic, for instance.

Reports of the sun rising each morning are not nearly as interesting as a failure of the sun to appear
Part of the problem is indeed getting credible information. Personal bias plays a part and of course the use that the transmission is put to.

If a person has had a failure believed to be caused of multivehicle ATF, how will we ever know if that is correct, for example the alleged issue with Castrol fluid. My question would be prove it.

Without qualified conformation of the failure, unfortunately we will have to suck it and see, well do you feel lucky punk?
I use M1 LV-HP atf in my 2017 Ford Fusion 6F35 trans. AT 162 K the trans shifts great up and down. I do a drain and fill every 30-40K.