Dexron III H...synth blend???

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Sep 14, 2002
S.E. La.
Are the improvements in the Dex III H fluids sufficient to allow it to be called a synth blend ATF or was the spec an improvement to the AW/EP additives?

I have one vehicle that can use OTC ATF fluid and will probably buy the jug of Pennz D3H from Wallys.

Many on this site seem to have a very good opinion of Pennz motor oils, does the same apply towards there ATF. I've seen posts recommending Chevron ATF, but it isn't available in any of the places I shop.
I think with the new low temp requirements of Dexron-IIIH, along with the improved oxidation and shear stability specs, this fluid (like Mercon V) will have to be made with some Group III in the base oil blend.
If it was a blend, the "marketing dept" would plaster it all over the bottles.

I guess that we're seeing a movement away from GroupI and I+. Any spec that increases the amount of higher group oils(most likely group II and II+) is better for us(longer lasting, cleaner, and better performing trannies).
Both Mercon V and Mopar ATF+4 were listed as ATFs having Group III content back in 1999 in two white papers put out by Chevron: "The Synthetic Nature of Group III Base Oils", and its companion study, "The Evolution of Base Oil Technology". It would seem that, unlike motor oils, the blenders have been a bit more cautious in bandying the term, "synthetic" or "synthetic blend" regarding ATFs with Group III content. Poor Group III - it gets no love, but many grudgingly allow that it works remarkably well.
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