Delvac 1

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Aug 7, 2004
Is the delvac 1 that hear so many jeep owners talk about fully synthetic? I believe they sell it by the gallon in the black jug at walmart. I am looking to switch my 99 4.o to synthetic after my Rinse of Auto rx and have seen that devac 1 seems to have the best uoa's. I was going to use rotella 5w40 syn but have not seen the best uoa's. Also I am pretty sure I would need a 5w40 over a 15w40 to survive harsh chicago winters, am I correct in this assumption?
What you are seeing in the black jug at Walmart is Delvac 1300 15w-40 which is not synthetic. Mobil 1 TRUCK&SUV 5w-40 is said to be nearly identical to Delvac 1 and is available at most Walmart's. I wouldn't use a 15w-40 that far north.
So the delvac 1300 is not the good stuff? Also, Is the 5w40 ok for winter use if the 15w40 is not?
15w-40 is fine stuff, it's jsut not synthetic. I use it in all my cars including my race car. Just don't use it in th emiddle of winter.

What's your annual mileage and your current OCI and how thick is your wallet? This might help determine if it's worth using Delvac 1.
1. annual mileage is about 14k
2. Pockets are not too deep
3. I would like to run 6 month or 7k OCI with whatever Oil I choose

1. annual mileage is about 14k
2. Pockets are not too deep
3. I would like to run 6 month or 7k OCI with whatever Oil I choose

Okay ..we're in the same range (18k for my wife's TJ). I've been using D1 and got a great UOA (relative to x-30 M1) @ 10k ..I'm now going for 12+ (maybe to 15k).....but since you'll fall into a 6 month OCI ..I would think that Rotella T synth, at about 1/2 the price of D1, would do nicely. You could probably go even cheaper by going Delvac 1300, Delo 400, or Rotella dino .. by doing a spring/fall change point. Sure Rotella is a Group III "+" ..but I say "So?". You may very well be dealing with the difference between a 1 kiloton nuke versus a 100 megaton nuke ..when a M80 can do the job on a postage stamp target. Who knows?

That's what I'm going to try next. Delac 1 is, IMHO, the Holy Grail of heavy weights that doesn't fall into the "boutique" realm of obscurity. It is, however, very expensive for the extended benefits that you may be unable to realize with a 7k OCI.

So ..I'm going with Rotella synth for another 9-10k challenge (about 6 months) and see how it does. If the numbers are good ...I may go to an appropriate HDEO dino for the "spring - fall" OCI and see how it fairs as well. This will bring down my costs substantially (assuming UOA proves out).
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