Delightful Orange Can PH16 @ ~4k Miles

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Site Donor 2024
Aug 17, 2012
Used on a 3.8 Grand Caravan with over 280k miles on the odometer. ADBV is in good shape. Bonding is excellent all around. No problems.

Looks very good. Thanks for c&p good friend
Looks good.

I guess I am at the point now that if the ST filters ever go away again or change to Puro made, the OCOD (orange can of delight) will probably be my go to filter for 5000 mile OCI.

I am already sold on the Ultra for long OCI (or the 1 filter to oil drains), and am comfortable with the Tough Guard (used one on my sisters Santa Fe) for those 5,000-10,000 mile OCI.
Looks like the filter did it's job. Not my choice in filters, but cannot find fault in the pictures.
Looks pretty good for a low-end filter.
Got a bunch of these dirt cheap on clearance from Lowe's a few years back.
Good to see that they seem to hold up for the kind of OCIs I use them for, unlike various flavors from Brand P.
If I am planning a 5k OCI or less I have no qualms at all about going orange. Although being a nerdy BITOG'er I often plunk down a couple more bucks for a Tough Guard.
Looks great! I always liked the fiber end caps that they used. What an ingenious way to get more out of the filtration. Thanks for the C&P!
Originally Posted By: sw99
Looks great! I always liked the fiber end caps that they used. What an ingenious way to get more out of the filtration. Thanks for the C&P!

An endcap is not going to add any meaningful amount of filtration. These filters already have much less than other brands. That "fiber" endcap forms the "seal" on the unsupported ADBV. This is the biggest problem with Fram filters. I'll take a metal end cap or a center support that mates with the ADBV like the e-core any day.
Originally Posted By: T-Keith
Originally Posted By: sw99
Looks great! I always liked the fiber end caps that they used. What an ingenious way to get more out of the filtration. Thanks for the C&P!

I'll take a metal end cap or a center support that mates with the ADBV like the e-core any day.

sweet, more Fram filters for me.

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