Crossover pipe

Not really a general question. More a mechanical/maintenance question. Moved to that section.
It would help if people knew:

1. Model and year of your vehicle.
2. why it needs to be removed.
Very carefully ;) ...........But seriously.....Remove the heat shield, Spray the Nuts at the head or bolts at the base with a good penetrating oil.

A good heavy anvil pneumatic 1/2" drive gun like a IR231 is likely best but I'm having great luck with a Milwaukee 1/2" Mid Torque. If the nut's/bolt's don't break free within a few 5 second intervals....Stop & put some heat to it with Oxygen/Acetylene.
unless you have quality 300 series stainless + clamps that dont indent the pipe its prolly a sawsall-liquid wrench-torch job!! with many systems fully welded you might let a pro at it, an exhaust shop can replace pieces but if its older + in poor condition a full replacement diy can be cheeper!
Do you have the proper tool mentioned above.
If not, bring it to an exhaust shop or any good mechanic.
Chances are the bolts are very tight (PITA to work on) and rusty over the year, especially if you live in the rust belt.