Coil spring compressor

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Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Would one like this work? I'm thinking of buying one to change to do the struts on my Neon. I need new bumpstops and upper mounts and I got some ACR springs.

those look like the ones Autozone loans out for free.
ehow video using spring compressor
So is this guy a bit lax with safety using the spring compressor in the post above? Or are they very reliable if you set them up properly? For some reason he has a bunch of videos to do with struts and he uses the same compressor with seemingly no fear of it releasing.
Do those little retaining safety pins actually do anything if the coil starts to slide in the comrpessor?
I have a Lisle 62300 coil spring compressor:

Instead of using pins, it uses U-bolts. It's more time-consuming, but there's nearly no chance of having the spring pop out.
Well that one makes the most sense of all the ones I've seen so far. I'll see if I can track one down locally, thanks for posting it!
Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Would one like this work? I'm thinking of buying one to change to do the struts on my Neon. I need new bumpstops and upper mounts and I got some ACR springs.

I have those and have done a few jobs with them. They are OK, I would like a better set. The last ones I did were on a minivan and I could not get them off without using a chain to use to lock the spring coils and move the spring compressor to grab 2 instead of 3 coils.
It ended up being a heck of a long spring.
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