Coast bar soap

Nov 23, 2003
I use to buy Coast soap in the past until my local Kroger owned chain stopped carrying it. I was at Walmart and saw it there, so I bought it. It was an eight pack and was in individual boxes. I opened the first one and got the biggest laugh, talk about shrinkflation. The new bar was the size of a half used bar, it could fit in the palm of my hand. I won’t be buying Coast anymore. Look how big the bar was in this commercial, you couldn’t even close your hand fully around the bar.

I didn't know anyone still used bars of soap.

Like Nate asked...what else is there? Or have men become so feminized they prefer liquid soap and a loofah? Carrying the latter into a shower on base (or in the field) would have earned a well-deserved butt-kicking 20 years ago. How times have changed.

Try Ivory or Safeguard. It rips dirt (and the first layer of the epidermis) off like sandpaper. And that's the way it should be.
Old spice still makes decent size bars of soap, and they actually remove oil (engine oil and skin oil) quite well compared to the Irish spring stuff I grew up using. It does cost more than the tiny cheap bars of soap.
FYI...Coast bar soap is packaged in two sizes. The smaller bar is 3.2 oz. while the "normal" size bar is 4 oz. like most other brands of soap bars. Of course, a less dense soap like Ivory may be physically larger at the same weight.
Like Nate asked...what else is there? Or have men become so feminized they prefer liquid soap and a loofah? Carrying the latter into a shower on base (or in the field) would have earned a well-deserved butt-kicking 20 years ago. How times have changed.

Try Ivory or Safeguard. It rips dirt (and the first layer of the epidermis) off like sandpaper. And that's the way it should be.
Funny, "liquid soap and a loofah".
Get over yourself, fella.
Liquid soap offers the option to carry a small bottle of it whilst traveling or hiking or out skinning bear (there, manly enough for you?)

As with most things, there are scenarios where either version of a product might be the better selection.
You can also cut the end off a bar of soap and leave the heavy bottle behind

Nothing wrong with liquid soap, bar soap is just cheaper and i like it better.
I feel like I might be the only one who hates moisturizer. To me, the whole point of taking a shower with soap is to wash the grease and oil off of myself. Having an oily soap makes no sense to me.

I'm not saying I want to use lava soap in the shower, but it would be nice to have a few choices that don't include moisturizers.

There used to be a bunch of soaps that could rinse you "Zest fully clean", but not anymore. Within the last several years Zest and Coast and Irish Spring and others have changed their formula so that they all leave you feeling oily, and they leave a bunch of soap scum behind.

Does anyone know of any bar soaps (besides lava) that don't leave you feeling oily and/or don't leave soap scum?
I had to threatened one housekeeper with having to fire her when I noticed she was bringing bar soap into the house.

I got a 4oz bottle of ultra-concentrated Campsuds in each car. I like to shower after getting out of the ocean. A few drops will do. When out and about I also tend to wash my hands and arms after having been around farm animals and people.

This is all the bar soap in my house. The Castille soap is contraband I seized from the help and the soap on top is from my Svalbard assignment a few years back. The Dutch Doktor at the Norwegian facility insisted on everybody using this German doctor's soap because it's extremely rich in moisturizers. Svalbard was so cold all skin would crack no matter what. Not going back there.

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Ivory bar soap on a washcloth works fine. The local grocery store here sells multi-packs of the larger bar size for a good price. Ivory works best with the hard water in my town. Sometimes I use the Ivory body wash and a scrubber but I prefer the bar soap. No problems with either one leaving my skin feeling oily or dry.
This is what I've used for the last 20 years. Ivory and others leave me feeling greasy. body wash also feels greasy and like I haven't washed at all.

I fluctuate between body wash and bar soap, depending on the economic incentives offered at the time.
Presently, we are stocked on Irish Spring. Sales were good at the times, and coupons were plentiful.
You can also cut the end off a bar of soap and leave the heavy bottle behind
What do you do with that slippery sliver when you are done? I don't think my 4oz bottle is heavy. They also have 2oz bottles. It's also hygienic and easy to transport without being messy. Got one in my backpack, too.