Chevron Base Oils

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Jun 11, 2002
Clarksville, Tennessee
Just wondering if chevron Supreme is still a group II+ based oil or are they a full Group III.

Also does the Chevron Synthetic Supreme contain PAO's or Esters?
I can't answer your question, but I'd like to add that anyone interested in Chevron base oils should read this technical paper produced by Chevron called "The Synthetic Nature of Group III Oils". It discusses, among other things, their proprietary 3-step hydroprocessing technique and gives some interesting comparisons between Group III's and Group IV's.

This may have been posted on this board before but I haven't seen it here. It's a good read and well worth your time, if you haven't seen it before:

As for your questions, it would be nice if one or two of the many intelligent people on this board could answer if the "ISOSYN" label on the front of the Chevron Supreme bottle does in fact mean "Group III"....but at $1.08 per quart it would probably be too good to be true. (I have seen a reference somewhere on here that it means Group II+). Either way, Supreme appears to be a fantastic oil.

After reading the above technical paper I'll speculate Chevron Synthetic is Group III, since the paper cleary touts how Chevron's hydroprocessed Group III's rival Group IV's in performance. I'm pretty sure Chevron licenses their process to other base oil refiners...does anyone know if Conoco/Phillips uses their process? Pennzoil? I could be wrong....corrections and dissenting opinions welcome.

[ April 04, 2003, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: cheeks ]
Chevron Phillips Chemical is a producer of PAOs, but I think these are mainly for sale to others.

My understanding is that Chevron Supreme is made from Chevron's isodewaxed GR-II base oil and Chevron syn is made from their GR-III base stock.

As you say, Chevron has sold their base oil production technology to many other refiners ("Today, most Group II and group III base oils worldwide are made using Chevron Lummus Global technology") as well as selling the base oils and prequalified (API certified) additive packages to lube blenders; Chevron retains the copyrighted ISOSYN name.


[ April 04, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Ken2 ]

Originally posted by cheeks:
As for your questions, it would be nice if one or two of the many intelligent people on this board could answer if the "ISOSYN" label on the front of the Chevron Supreme bottle does in fact mean "Group III"....

"ISOSYN" can mean either Group II, II+, or Group III, since it is Chevron's trademark name for their hydrocracked and isodewaxed base oils. However, from what I've seen, they do not market their Group III under the ISOSYN name. Chevron calls its Group III base oils "UCBO," for "unconventional base oil." You won't find the ISOSYN logo on the Chevron synthetic oil bottles.
Well the reason I asked about the Group II/III thing is because I have someone on another board telling me that the regular chevron supreme is a full group III and it sells for $1.08 a quart.

I figure for that price, it's more than likely a group II only based. And that the Synthetic Supreme is a Group III, with maybe some Esters or PAO's in there. But I don't know for sure.

Originally posted by msparks:
Well the reason I asked about the Group II/III thing is because I have someone on another board telling me that the regular chevron supreme is a full group III and it sells for $1.08 a quart.

That's simply not true. Still, it is a great oil for the price. I have a garage full of Havoline (same as Chevron) that I bought for $0.68/qt at Target.
Target sells Halvoline for $1.66/qt
Target's other prices:
Mobil 1 $5.29/qt
Pennzoil PureBase $1.89/qt

I'll never buy auto products from target!!! It costs an arm and a leg.
The answers they have given me is the Supreme Synthetic and the Delo Synthetic are Group III while ISOSYN is Group II+.

Originally posted by metroplex:
Target sells Halvoline for $1.66/qt
Target's other prices:
Mobil 1 $5.29/qt
Pennzoil PureBase $1.89/qt

I'll never buy auto products from target!!! It costs an arm and a leg.

You missed the big sale they had on Havoline oil. I posted it in this forum and I believe alot of folks loaded up on it. I agree that their regular prices are high so you need to watch for sale items. I've bought Mobil1 many times for $2.89/qt when everyone else was selling it for $4+.
Target prices are not consistent nationally or even locally. They do price shop competitors (like Wal-Mart and K-mart), more agressively in some places than others. I can shop three different Targets within 5 miles and they will have different prices at each on the same item. Mobil 1 has varied from as low as $3 a quart to its current price of 4.29 a qt.

If the trend at my local Targets is any indication, buying anything automotive at Target will become a thing of the past soon. The oil selection is down to Car and Driver Oil (Target House Brand), Penzoil, and Mobil 1. Nothing else. Just a few weeks ago, they did have Texaco Havoline, but no more - that would explain the cheap sale a few weeks ago.

I remember buying cases of oil from Target not that long ago... heck, even air and oil filters.

[ April 06, 2003, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: MNgopher ]

Originally posted by MNgopher:

If the trend at my local Targets is any indication, buying anything automotive at Target will become a thing of the past soon. The oil selection is down to Car and Driver Oil (Target House Brand), Penzoil, and Mobil 1. Nothing else. Just a few weeks ago, they did have Texaco Havoline, but no more - that would explain the cheap sale a few weeks ago.

Noted the exact same thing at my local Target. The auto section appears designed to appeal to the 15-19 crowd and the ladies.

I wonder what happened to all of the Havoline 2 cycle oil? A few weeks ago all of the Havoline oils were gone except for what seemed to be hundreds of quarts of the 2 cycle oil. Now it is all gone. I suspect they pulled it off the shelf and it will be sold to some discounter/liquidator.
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