Change Cell Phone Battery?

May 30, 2022
Torrance, CA
Samsung S21 battery getting weak. I've reviewed tutorials on changing the battery and it looks reasonably doable. I've even found a place with die-cut VHB tape to put it back together properly. Problem: where to buy a quality battery? I've had a horrible time with generic batteries for power tools off Amazon. I know there must be good batteries out there, but how to know? So called "Samsung OEM" batteries are available on ebay, but there are horror stories of people receiving bad batteries, and/or batteries that are 4 years old, etc. There are services that replace batteries of course, but they are too expensive; close to the value of the phone. Any suggestions?
I wouldn't suggest battery replacements on smartphones.
Mostly due to the level of disassembly required to access it. Once it's been taken apart once, it's never the same.

I'm still running a Samaung S9 with very few issues.
It'll go "buggy" once in a while, but the other 95% of the time it's fine.
Definitely go to they should have what you need

I checked them out, but the battery they sell doesn't inspire confidence...

Screenshot 2024-09-19 180915.webp
best part of cheep cell phones is THROWING them away when issues arise + just buy another CHEAPIE!!!
Ampsentrix is usually a go-to for repair shops but I don’t know if they sell them individually
What a waste ... just add to the pile!

Folks in North America can easily dismiss these images stating, "that's not here, so I don't care".
Little do they realize that the carcinogens released affects EVERYONE, regardless of income or status.
The Apple Store installed a Sunwoda battery in my iPhone 12 mini. I think the tech at the Apple Store did a crap job because I barely got it wet and the screen was ruined.

If you want to see destructive pics of my old iPhone:
I would go with iFixit battery. It will likely not be the same performance wise as the original one, but should be a lot better than the Amazon batteries because iFixit has its name on it and a reputation to maintain.

Other than that, go for it, but you need to be very careful, take your time and heat up the phone pretty well before removing the screen. And don’t insert the separation tool too deep or you will damage ribbon cables.
That’s where YouTube tutorials come in handy, you will see where these fragile cables and connectors are.