Buying USA made

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Originally Posted By: raytseng
...Chinese investors, both private and corporate will buy up american real estate and assets...

And those clever Chinese financiers loan Yanks funds to pay for their government.

Coming and going by my reckoning sans proper lubricant. My offspring are learning mandarin (no joke).
Originally Posted By: javacontour
Isn't China making major investments in Africa? They want cheap labor and raw materials.

I can't help but think that many parts of Africa might be better off under Chinese control.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
I have a real simple rule: If there's a USA made version of the product available, I will not buy the Chinese/Taiwanese made version, period. I usually have a pretty good idea of what's available USA made.

What's your problem with Taiwan?

None, to me its a different country with a different set of rules than mainland China. IMO they are a fair trade partner and do manufacture some decent stuff. I prefer US or EU made stuff but if its made in Taiwan and decent i have no trouble buying it.
The Triangle brand socket set is really decent, its too bad they went out of business.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
What's your problem with Taiwan?

Not really a problem, more of a preference. I can usually find a USA made version that's better quality.

Originally Posted By: Trav
None, to me its a different country with a different set of rules than mainland China.

Those big wigs over in China are gonna disagree with you Trav. They insist that Taiwan belongs to China.
Originally Posted By: Kruse
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Why is the company hiring them? Don't like illegal immigrants, don't hire them to save yourself money, problem solved.

I know a guy who is in charge of a 1,200-cow dairy operation. This is not a family dairy, it's owned by a corporation. The employees who milk the cows and clean the areas where the cows eat and sleep are all illegal aliens. Why does the supervisor of this dairy hire illegal aliens? Because he cannot get legal employees to work for him and he has tried numerous times. Yet he can talk to the "head" illegal alien employee of this dairy and tell him that he needs more help (from 1 to 10 people) and the help will be there the next day and they will work any shift that he needs them to work, with no questions asked.
The CEO of this dairy says that these people risked their lives to cross the hot desert to come to that they could work. And he's right. (Not that I condone his hiring practice)

I bet if you ask what they pay these employees you'd find out why only illegals are willing to do the job...
Be careful when buying products that say they're made in America. Apparently that definition has changed. For example, Harley Davidsons have "Made in America" stated right on the bike, when most of us know they have lots of foreign made parts on them...
I have a friend who is struggling at hiring people at minimum wage and also considered the whole "immigrant" thing. I have no idea if they would be legal or not.

He pays minimum wage for a relatively easy job, but it isnt climate controlled. Day shift, weekends off except ones after holidays where they don't work. $.25 per hour raise per month if the employee has perfect attendance. I can't remember where they max out at. I believe they have a 30 probationary period too.

To me, the issue is that its easier being on the government cow than to work.
Originally Posted By: grampi
Be careful when buying products that say they're made in America. Apparently that definition has changed. For example, Harley Davidsons have "Made in America" stated right on the bike, when most of us know they have lots of foreign made parts on them...

My Trek mountain bike is the same way. Made in USA with foreign and domestic parts. I guess the thing to look out for here is the country it was assemblend. (ie more money going there than where the parts were made?
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
Originally Posted By: grampi
Be careful when buying products that say they're made in America. Apparently that definition has changed. For example, Harley Davidsons have "Made in America" stated right on the bike, when most of us know they have lots of foreign made parts on them...

My Trek mountain bike is the same way. Made in USA with foreign and domestic parts. I guess the thing to look out for here is the country it was assemblend. (ie more money going there than where the parts were made?

Either way, technically, it's still not made in America...
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
To me, the issue is that its easier being on the government cow than to work.

That gov cow needs to go away...
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
To me, the issue is that its easier being on the government cow than to work.

That gov cow needs to go away...

No way. That cow provides votes.
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
To me, the issue is that its easier being on the government cow than to work.

That gov cow needs to go away...

No way. That cow provides votes.

That's all it provides...
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
Originally Posted By: grampi
Be careful when buying products that say they're made in America. Apparently that definition has changed. For example, Harley Davidsons have "Made in America" stated right on the bike, when most of us know they have lots of foreign made parts on them...

My Trek mountain bike is the same way. Made in USA with foreign and domestic parts. I guess the thing to look out for here is the country it was assemblend. (ie more money going there than where the parts were made?

Either way, technically, it's still not made in America...

"Assembled" in USA

What multi component item is made in USA with 100% domestic parts? If one wants to get technical, most of the metal we get in at work came from Europe originally. But as I said earlier, I don't mine doing business with allies and countries with like economies. Heck, we make parts for a company in Germany, who has never outsourced in the history of their company, so I guess they feel the same way.

The whole assembled vs. made argument is just like the guys that say they built their AR15 or they build computers.. They ASSEMBLED them. A decent set of tools and YouTube access does wonders for the DIY'er.
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Is it even possible to assemble a complex electronic device with 100% USA parts? Assembled is a lot better than nothing.
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Originally Posted By: raytseng

Chinese investors, both private and corporate will buy up american real estate and assets.

Already happening. I have some national tenants in some of my properties that apparently makes them some kind of investment quality for people that sit in cubicles. I get calls weekly wanting to know if I will sell the leases or sell the properties to "investors".

I suspect the people wanting the leases are paper pinheads. I suspect the people wanting the dirt are Chinese or fronts for them. This is not new, of course. There was a time when people fretted the Japanese would own all of the United States.

In order to have some U.S. made stuff, someone actually has to have the interest in making it. Most people just talk. Few actually ever do anything but talk. Even fewer do, nowadays. Many have just lost interest. Around here, it's really hard just to bring something pre-existing into the 21st century. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to actually try to build a modern factory.
Originally Posted By: splinter
Pretty sure WJC signed NAFTA.

Yes, our own home grown native son, WJC, signed it, and it absoultely destroyed our local manufacturing base, which was vibrant at the time, and for about a decade after, as it slowly bled out and moved to Mexico.

It was a two way deal, at least. In exchange for manufacturing plants, we got all of the disease ridden illegals in exchange. As a bonus, even though we have no more factories to give up, the illegals keep on coming.

Thanks, Billary. Thanks a lot.
Originally Posted By: Win
Originally Posted By: splinter
Pretty sure WJC signed NAFTA.

Yes, our own home grown native son, WJC, signed it, and it absoultely destroyed our local manufacturing base, which was vibrant at the time, and for about a decade after, as it slowly bled out and moved to Mexico.

It was a two way deal, at least. In exchange for manufacturing plants, we got all of the disease ridden illegals in exchange. As a bonus, even though we have no more factories to give up, the illegals keep on coming.

Thanks, Billary. Thanks a lot.
Illegals aren't hunting jobs these days. They're hunting bennies. Don't need factories anymore to attract that.
I just buy whatever the highest quality product that is affordable within my price range.
I don't buy blindly just because of the country it is made in. IF the highest quality product I buy IS from USA, then I consider it a bonus. But I will NOT buy an inferior product that is made in the US, over a better product made in another country.

(Sadly, i have experienced only VERY few occasions where the best affordable product was from US, even after researching a fair amount)
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