Buying USA made

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Dec 8, 2010
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants
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Good find. I always try to support the USA even if its a lot more money. Besides helping keep a job here I don't want to support the horrific government of some countries. With all the do-gooders talking about all the other problems you'd think supporting countries with non oppressive governments would be a higher priority.
I don't specifically look for the origin of the product. I look for the value proposition, i.e. cost versus quality requirements.
Give me china made with US components instead of the other way around. I bought into the whole US made nonsense ONCE, and bout a Genie garage door opener. It [censored] out after 6 months of light use. Made (assembled) in us, and the box was probably printed here, otherwise Chinese made everything. Now I trust China my life (brake rotors on the r1) but quality control has to be there.
Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Oh here we go again
The other week I was looking for a new pair of nail clippers, and was wondering whether it was possible these days to find any made in USA. I looked on amazon, and to my surprise, you can.

Made in Troy, NY. I bought a pair, and they are quite nice. I'd hope so, for the $13 they cost though.
Originally Posted By: Dyusik
Give me china made with US components instead of the other way around. I bought into the whole US made nonsense ONCE, and bout a Genie garage door opener. It [censored] out after 6 months of light use. Made (assembled) in us, and the box was probably printed here, otherwise Chinese made everything. Now I trust China my life (brake rotors on the r1) but quality control has to be there.
I think Genie has a pretty good warranty. What happened when you called them.
Just buy the best product for the best price. The rest will work itself out. This is how the free market works.
I buy mostly by price point, at my age it's very doubtful I'll see a pay back by buying the high priced product.
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Now match that cover with a Made in the USA Speed Queen dryer...........
Originally Posted By: bigt61
Just buy the best product for the best price. The rest will work itself out. This is how the free market works.

^^^ This. Although all thing being equal(which they rarely are) I will pay more for an equivalent product if it is built in the USA, Germany, or Japan- as opposed to a product from China or a Third World country.
I find in my business that most talk about being good stewards but chase cheapness when it comes time to pull out the wallet.
Also factor in the price of unemployment compensation and welfare costs in not trying to buy Made in U.S.A. If you want a Ferrari it won't be made in the U.S.A. But the other stuff you may want to buy is.
Originally Posted By: bigt61
Just buy the best product for the best price. The rest will work itself out. This is how the free market works.

There's no such thing as a 'free market'. No more than 'free trade'. All of the trade agreements the US has entered into have been to the benefit of the other countries. They have all been a disaster for American working men and women.
As predicted, China is spending vast amounts of their new $$ on their Navy.
Originally Posted By: totegoat
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Now match that cover with a Made in the USA Speed Queen dryer...........

I will look into those, haven't noticed any for a long time. I have more concerns about china than others posting here. When someone says their goal is to replace you, what does that mean, and they have said that.
Where was everyone when congress approved NAFTA? Thanks Clinton. Union Guys in the shop told me this was the beginning of the end of America and they were right.

YOUR Greedy CEO and shareholders(you and your 401) drove this bus. Your One percenters.

Too late now lazy suckers.
Originally Posted By: CT8
Also factor in the price of unemployment compensation and welfare costs in not trying to buy Made in U.S.A. If you want a Ferrari it won't be made in the U.S.A. But the other stuff you may want to buy is.

What's your opinion about $15/hr minimum wage?
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