Buying USA made

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Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Why is the company hiring them? Don't like illegal immigrants, don't hire them to save yourself money, problem solved.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: CT8
Also factor in the price of unemployment compensation and welfare costs in not trying to buy Made in U.S.A. If you want a Ferrari it won't be made in the U.S.A. But the other stuff you may want to buy is.

What's your opinion about $15/hr minimum wage?

This is only an issue due to the flood of low skill labor. Low skilled illegals drive wage rates down.
Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Problem is, why would the contractor care what is "nicer"? He bid a job and the cheapest parts win. Look at all the folks even on here collecting public dole and sending their funds to China vs back to tax paying Americans.

It's certainly not always possible. Sometimes you just can't get what you want, other times we've just off shored stuff to an extent that it's hopeless. Regardless, you're going to pay for these people one way or another, might as well try to retain jobs rather than giving up and letting them collect welfare.

News flash. The population is growing while jobs aren't. Offshoring is one of the most treacherous things that can happen.
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

That contractor reminds me of an issue in a formers builders house I once helped the new occupant solve. The idiot tried to vent a dryer using about 12' of 4" PVC, laid horizontally. Not only that, but it wasn't sloped to drain outside either. New occupant's wife was complaining of poor drying. No wonder. I handed her husband an electric leaf blower and some ear plugs. He disconnected the dryer hose from the wall and had at it.

Result? A HUGE wad of wet lint + water, shot out the end of the pipe, about 15' across his driveway! This mistake is destined to forever frustrate the Mrs. + shorten the life of any unfortunate dryer.

The fact that the ego-maniac builder did this to his OWN house, is quite telling. The new owners aren't too impressed after living with this + other mistakes of his after a few years.

Finally, guess which outlet cover he used?
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Why is the company hiring them? Don't like illegal immigrants, don't hire them to save yourself money, problem solved.

Because the illegals aren't fighting for $15/hr.

Hire lazy slugs at $15/hr. Or hire illegals taking USA jobs at $7.25. Which would you take?

Screw it, just get it from China.
I can accept foreign made and a global economy, but not the policies of China. My only weapon against them is my dollar. The only country worse is North Korea, if they made stuff I'm sure Americans would buy it, sad.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
America will eventually become one large Naftaville.

Atleast Mexico is a relatively small economy to average out our wages with. China is a black hole...
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
Originally Posted By: Srt20
Originally Posted By: goodtimes
I was looking for an outlet cover for a dryer , the big kind, at HD. There a box of nylon plastic covers with only one left, $1.99, Made in China. I moved down the aisle and saw some that were stainless steel, made in USA by Legrand, for $2.48. Plenty of those left. The SS ones are far nicer. When checking out I saw a contractor guy with a bunch of the outlets and China covers. My point, small effect as it has, is shop around a little and try to care.

Made in USA. By illegal immigrants

Why is the company hiring them? Don't like illegal immigrants, don't hire them to save yourself money, problem solved.

I know a guy who is in charge of a 1,200-cow dairy operation. This is not a family dairy, it's owned by a corporation. The employees who milk the cows and clean the areas where the cows eat and sleep are all illegal aliens. Why does the supervisor of this dairy hire illegal aliens? Because he cannot get legal employees to work for him and he has tried numerous times. Yet he can talk to the "head" illegal alien employee of this dairy and tell him that he needs more help (from 1 to 10 people) and the help will be there the next day and they will work any shift that he needs them to work, with no questions asked.
The CEO of this dairy says that these people risked their lives to cross the hot desert to come to that they could work. And he's right. (Not that I condone his hiring practice)
I have a real simple rule: If there's a USA made version of the product available, I will not buy the Chinese/Taiwanese made version, period. I usually have a pretty good idea of what's available USA made.
Another buy in the USA thread. My 2011 Silverado was made in Mexico.

How many vehicles these days are made in Mexico? PLENTY. How many auto parts are coming from China? GM is shipping many major power train components from China.

So I will help the (USA) situation by buying a $2.50 fastener.

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Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Originally Posted By: bigt61
Just buy the best product for the best price. The rest will work itself out. This is how the free market works.

There's no such thing as a 'free market'. No more than 'free trade'. All of the trade agreements the US has entered into have been to the benefit of the other countries. They have all been a disaster for American working men and women.
As predicted, China is spending vast amounts of their new $$ on their Navy.


Those who HATE ON the unemployed in this country CANNOT have it BOTH ways, i.e.; lambasting, almost wanting to kill anyone out of work for "being on the dole" when they MUST collect unemployment/disability/etc. (in order to survive) due to there being NO manufacturing jobs because of your 'free trade' and 'open markets'.

ONE or the OTHER, something has to give, you can't support and encourage companies to outsource/offshore EVERY job (and give them tax breaks for doing so) in the name of "free" trade, as by doing so you are putting up 1000 foot high steel walls in front of them, and then telling them to climb over with no help/gear/anything, and then persecute them for not being able to.

NOT everyone has the smarts, skills, or capability to get the training needed to become the engineers/techs/etc. all of you haters seem to be, and seem to think anyone can be. (Besides, all of your egos would take a BIG hit if everyone else was your equal or better, no?)

So, maybe those U.S. citizens should just die if they cannot be the above, I guess THAT is what all of you want?
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Where was everyone when congress approved NAFTA? Thanks Clinton. Union Guys in the shop told me this was the beginning of the end of America and they were right.

YOUR Greedy CEO and shareholders(you and your 401) drove this bus. Your One percenters.

Too late now lazy suckers.

The union guys in the shop elected Clinton...hate to break your bubble. 67% of union families shop at Walmart.
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67% of union employees will buy Chinese widgets at Walmart to save money.

Their Chevy Tahoe with the optional $4000 glitter and glam package will have a 'proud to be an American' bumper sticker.


Originally Posted By: CKN
Caution......thread closing ahead!

Isn't it a shame that the subject of buying USA made products is so controversial ?
Originally Posted By: dailydriver
Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Originally Posted By: bigt61
Just buy the best product for the best price. The rest will work itself out. This is how the free market works.

There's no such thing as a 'free market'. No more than 'free trade'. All of the trade agreements the US has entered into have been to the benefit of the other countries. They have all been a disaster for American working men and women.
As predicted, China is spending vast amounts of their new $$ on their Navy.


Those who HATE ON the unemployed in this country CANNOT have it BOTH ways, i.e.; lambasting, almost wanting to kill anyone out of work for "being on the dole" when they MUST collect unemployment/disability/etc. (in order to survive) due to there being NO manufacturing jobs because of your 'free trade' and 'open markets'.

ONE or the OTHER, something has to give, you can't support and encourage companies to outsource/offshore EVERY job (and give them tax breaks for doing so) in the name of "free" trade, as by doing so you are putting up 1000 foot high steel walls in front of them, and then telling them to climb over with no help/gear/anything, and then persecute them for not being able to.

NOT everyone has the smarts, skills, or capability to get the training needed to become the engineers/techs/etc. all of you haters seem to be, and seem to think anyone can be. (Besides, all of your egos would take a BIG hit if everyone else was your equal or better, no?)

So, maybe those U.S. citizens should just die if they cannot be the above, I guess THAT is what all of you want?

Well said and I believe I said something similar the last time this was discussed. Not everyone is equipped to be an engineer, scientist or doctor. There are many well suited and perhaps most comfortable working a 9-5 manufacturing gig and take pride in that work. We've now sent their job to China or Mexico and added another poor soul to the unemployment line/hand-out crowd. Why? Well for the never ending quest for cheap labour of course, to pad the bottom line. Seemingly parallel to that consumers have been conditioned to do just that, consume, and in volume. Quality isn't important, it is QUANTITY, because we knew quality was going to take a dive. So people go buy their dollar store junk, their garbage at Walmart, complain about how its made, moan about COO and ultimately just continue to buy the tripe regardless.
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