BITOG: Fact-Based or Mostly Opinion?

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Jul 2, 2003
I put this in the PCMO section since that is the primary focus of BITOG. For those that have been around awhile, do you think BITOG is increasingly being driven by personal bias and opinion rather than fact? For that matter was BITOG EVER primarily fact-based discussion? I am not discounting the genuinely knowledgeable members who contribute but the majority, myself included, who are decidedly amateurs The reason I ask is that I see participants repeatedly advising people to stray from manufacturers recommendations and I am guessing few have the expertise or experience to dispense that kind of "risky" advice. My point is not to promote an"only scientists or engineers can give advice" mentality but to promote members being straightforward about the experience and knowledge behind the advice they are giving.
Be it primarily fact or opinion, I have learned a ton lurking around here. A critical thinker can certainly sift through the [censored] and find the fact. Really no different than life as a whole.
Originally Posted By: tstep
Be it primarily fact or opinion, I have learned a ton lurking around here. A critical thinker can certainly sift through the [censored] and find the fact. Really no different than life as a whole.

Personal bias definitely plays into it. How about the member who was gifted oil by Pennzoil and now shills for them every chance he gets?
Originally Posted By: tstep
Be it primarily fact or opinion, I have learned a ton lurking around here. A critical thinker can certainly sift through the [censored] and find the fact. Really no different than life as a whole.

Superb point. I must say though it is not the critical thinkers I worry about
Originally Posted By: tstep
Be it primarily fact or opinion, I have learned a ton lurking around here. A critical thinker can certainly sift through the [censored] and find the fact. Really no different than life as a whole.

Me too. But I'm just astonished at how little attention is paid to a Used Oil Analysis. A guy posts a uoa and it seems like the launching pad for an over-the-back-fence discussion about the pros and cons of various oils and old wive's tale approach almost as if the test had not been taken.

A UOA is not supposed to be like a Rorschach test. This site isa real testament to human rationalization and bias, I guess, and that's something I learned here, too.
If I remember right, BITOG is 72.36% fact based and 31.64% opinion based.

My second cousin - once removed on his mother's side - next door neighbor's dentist said that once of his clients works for Haas Racing. You know that guy know his stuff!!
I call it learning all you can and making that decision by one's self. Heck, I tend to be the guy that asks all the questions anyways...and the more you learn, the more you can call out too...

That said, this place gives you the right tools to make that decision...
Originally Posted By: dernp
Someone once said you can't believe everything you read on the internet.

I remember having read that once, but I can't seem to find the link just now.
It's definitely caveat emptor. Lots of good stuff here, but you have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Plenty of chaff, as well.
What I enjoy most about this site is watching conventional wisdom (old school) and science (have been to school) go at it.
Originally Posted By: pscholte
I put this in the PCMO section since that is the primary focus of BITOG. For those that have been around awhile, do you think BITOG is increasingly being driven by personal bias and opinion rather than fact?

Certainly in the oil additive section.
Like 'PYB will cure the common cold' ??

Originally Posted By: pscholte
I put this in the PCMO section since that is the primary focus of BITOG. For those that have been around awhile, do you think BITOG is increasingly being driven by personal bias and opinion rather than fact? For that matter was BITOG EVER primarily fact-based discussion? I am not discounting the genuinely knowledgeable members who contribute but the majority, myself included, who are decidedly amateurs The reason I ask is that I see participants repeatedly advising people to stray from manufacturers recommendations and I am guessing few have the expertise or experience to dispense that kind of "risky" advice. My point is not to promote an"only scientists or engineers can give advice" mentality but to promote members being straightforward about the experience and knowledge behind the advice they are giving.
Originally Posted By: pscholte
I put this in the PCMO section since that is the primary focus of BITOG. For those that have been around awhile, do you think BITOG is increasingly being driven by personal bias and opinion rather than fact? For that matter was BITOG EVER primarily fact-based discussion?

I don't think BITOG has ever been primarily fact-based, but maybe the ratio of experts to non-experts was slightly higher at the beginning than it is now with over 30K members or more.

The reason I ask is that I see participants repeatedly advising people to stray from manufacturers recommendations

Ha! Funny you should mention that. I've answered many "what oil should I use?" posts with "what does your owner's manual say?" and most of those posters get upset that it's a useless response. They say that they're capable of reading their owner's manual and that's not why they came to BITOG. They expect BITOG to recommend them some miracle oil that will be light years ahead of what their engine's manufacturer recommends.

Those who have the actual expertise do know that in majority of cases, following the manufacturer's recommendation is typically the right thing to do. Alas, if all everyone did was follow the manual, then there would be nothing to argue/discuss here on BITOG.

My point is not to promote an"only scientists or engineers can give advice" mentality but to promote members being straightforward about the experience and knowledge behind the advice they are giving.

Agreed. And if done right, the advice might just be the same: non-experts should suggest to follow the mfg recommendation since they have no research to suggest otherwise and experts, knowing what they know, will suggest to follow mfg recommendation as well.
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