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Dec 13, 2004
Chicago Area

First off, a disclaimer, I'm getting this info from Mom so I don't know if I'm getting the whole picture, and I can't get there to personally see what's going on until the weekend, but I'm hoping I can get a clue on what to do before then.

She's on AT&T DSL over the phone line. She's telling me that the modem seems to shut down and then start up again, all the lights go out and then they start blinking one by one as though it's been turned off and coming back on. Now last night she reports that it never comes all the way back on, and IE gives her a message that she's not connected to the internet.

That's all I have to go on...sorry. The only thing that I can add is that she's had the service for at least 5 years and this is the original modem, so part of me is thinking she needs a new modem and part of me is thinking it's a line problem and AT&T needs to fix it, only, of course, she doesn't want to call the support line herself...

Any hints? Again, I can only go by what she told me and this is sketchy info at best.

Originally Posted By: opus1
she doesn't want to call the support line herself...

Then call AT&T on her behalf.

AT&T can test the line and the modem for you remotely, with you on the phone with them. They will be able to detect pretty much anything that might be wrong with the line or the modem, up to and including a failing power supply.
Originally Posted By: Tegger
Originally Posted By: opus1
she doesn't want to call the support line herself...

Then call AT&T on her behalf.

AT&T can test the line and the modem for you remotely, with you on the phone with them. They will be able to detect pretty much anything that might be wrong with the line or the modem, up to and including a failing power supply.
Oh, I definitely plan to, but need to be there so I can speak "tech" to whoever's on the other end.
I talk to Comcast regularly regarding customer problems, without being on-site.

You would need to ID her, via address and phone # on the account typically. You might need last 4 of her SS#. But I routinely can get Comcast to reset their products. ( I'm a tech / AV guy )

good luck!
Simple things first. The power supply, plugged in properly to AC socket? Is its plug properly connected to the DSL modem. Nothing loose?

They will probably send out a new DSL modem. I have DSL and Fairpoint sends me a new one every year or so, but it never fixes my problem.
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