Anyone Seen Mobil 1 EP Filters???

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Originally posted by Ugly3:
Bobio - If I wanted a filter that would just suffice I would stick with the Motorcraft FL820S. This site is all about trying new things and striving for more from our oil.

I don't think so. Someone did a survey awhile back and quite a few BITOG'rs were using some the cheapest filters on the market (maybe 30% of the people who responded). To top that, almost none are doing particle counts with their UOAs to find out if the filter is doing a decent job.

Looking for the best filter? I don't think so.

Regradless of whether or not "everyone" is looking for more from their oil, that IS why this site exists and why a good majority of us are here. There are always going to be people who won't spend a penny to save a dime, nothing you can do about them.

I don't think so. Someone did a survey awhile back and quite a few BITOG'rs were using some the cheapest filters on the market (maybe 30% of the people who responded). To top that, almost none are doing particle counts with their UOAs to find out if the filter is doing a decent job.

With or without particle count, the typical critera for good filtration is low insolubles. Anyone doing a UOA can use that as an indicator for adaquate filtration. PC is a great added test, though.
My money says that the "new" M1 filters are nothing more than a new paint job, with the word "extended" on them.

Same old expensive Champion filter.......... All dressed up to sell.

I'll stick with my Purolator Premium Plus for 1/3 the price, and with the money I save, I can take the wife out for a nice dinner.

God if only Champ and Mobil wouldn't have done all that extensive lab testing and field tests, why they could have saved ton's by painting the filter a different color.

BTW..the new Mobil extended life filter will be painted Black.
Mobil 1 filters already tend to be on the big side, no? The FL-1A equivalent I've got is noticeably bigger than the Carquest Premium (Wix) for the same application. I just wonder how much they'll jack up the price now. I really like the construction of the Mobil 1 (and I typically am not a fan of Champ Labs' filters). I just want a filter with good construction and filtration for 3-5k OCIs, and I believe the M1 is the best in both categories right now. I'm not looking for a $20 monstrosity designed to go 15k. Maybe I'll have to give PureOne another shot....

Originally posted by Darryl:
My money says that the "new" M1 filters are nothing more than a new paint job, with the word "extended" on them.

Same old expensive Champion filter.......... All dressed up to sell.

I'll stick with my Purolator Premium Plus for 1/3 the price, and with the money I save, I can take the wife out for a nice dinner.


Darryl, I use these and love em' in my application. For extended drain intervals, however a filter with more holding capacity may be worth the extra cost. Holding capacity may be a consideration. I apply these filters, but I'm not comforatable in extending drains with them. Maybe that's part of the price difference?

I think the new Mobil 1 filters as well as the new Donaldson made Amsoil filters deserve a look.

Originally posted by Gary Allan:


I don't think so. Someone did a survey awhile back and quite a few BITOG'rs were using some the cheapest filters on the market (maybe 30% of the people who responded). To top that, almost none are doing particle counts with their UOAs to find out if the filter is doing a decent job.

With or without particle count, the typical critera for good filtration is low insolubles. Anyone doing a UOA can use that as an indicator for adaquate filtration. PC is a great added test, though.

Check the 3MP synthetic oil study. He changed the filter and insoluables stayed the same. New filter made no difference.

Originally posted by Bobio:


Originally posted by Ugly3:
Bobio - If I wanted a filter that would just suffice I would stick with the Motorcraft FL820S. This site is all about trying new things and striving for more from our oil.

I don't think so. Someone did a survey awhile back and quite a few BITOG'rs were using some the cheapest filters on the market (maybe 30% of the people who responded). To top that, almost none are doing particle counts with their UOAs to find out if the filter is doing a decent job.

Looking for the best filter? I don't think so.

Regradless of whether or not "everyone" is looking for more from their oil, that IS why this site exists and why a good majority of us are here. There are always going to be people who won't spend a penny to save a dime, nothing you can do about them.

I respectfully disagree. The data suggests that when it comes to filters many (if not most) BITOG'ers are not searching for the best filter, they are searching for the best "value filter" and doing little to nothing to determine the actual performance of their filter selection.
I have been buying the new oil filter for quite some time now well at least since June. Pep Boys have them on sale around here they are $11.99 after rebate. Not too bad. I have no had to change these out yet since I am not due for a oil change until Dec. I probably won't buy them again seeing I can't Justify the cost. I just bought them because I was curious. My size is larger than the regular filters I have been using.

Originally posted by Gary Allan:


Check the 3MP synthetic oil study. He changed the filter and insoluables stayed the same. New filter made no difference.

With the same oil? Why should it??

If a good filter keeps insoluables down and when insoluables go up it is the filters fault then a new filter with the old oil should reduce insoluables.
You may be correct. I would think that they just wouldn't increase beyond that level. I can surely be wrong.
ugly3..I get what you're saying but..

As a filter "plugs" it becomes more efficient.

So removing the filter and putting on a new one ...of the exact same type...will only allow more contaminant through ( relatively). So insoluables won't go down, will they?

If one switches to a higher perfomance media, insoluables should go down over time.

Now as this thread is about Mobil 1 filter..what filter can one switch to that is that much more efficient? Pure One is not any more efficient.

Is the media in PureOnes' at least the same in efficiency as Mobil 1's? Slightly less? Quite a bit less?

Is the new extended Mobil 1s' media a little bit better?


Originally posted by CQUG4R:

Is the media in PureOnes' at least the same in efficiency as Mobil 1's? Slightly less? Quite a bit less?

Is the new extended Mobil 1s' media a little bit better?


I can't answer your question, but I'd like to hear what FG has to say about "holding capacity." Most here don't seem to consider that this "could" be an issue.
Efficiency wise the current Mobil 1 and Pure One are nearly equal. Depends on who you believe which is slightly better than the other.

As far as the new EP filter, I have no idea what the media is. Or what the test results show. All I know is that they've been in field tests for at least a couple years. Which media grade Mobil decided on..

I won't ask, that's up to Mobil to tout. Once it's been out, then I may inquire.

As for "contaminant capacity", that's a different can of worms..

Something tells me Mobil will have their marketing department do something with filter "life" as part of touting the new filter.
Let's see what they say..

Originally posted by Filter guy:
BTW..the new Mobil extended life filter will be painted Black.

That's good news. I won't have to spend a lot of to money to color coordinate my wardrobe with this new filter.
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