Anyone heard from AutoMechanic?

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Oct 19, 2020
Just wondering if anyone heard from him lately. I wasn't on much week before last because I was on a trip, and when I got back I'm not seeing him post or react. Seems like a good kid, enjoyed following his adventures with his old cars.
Hoefully he's ok. He practically lived on here.
Yeah, that's kind of what I'm getting at. I hope hes still got his jobs and things are ok on the homefront. I've pmd him but no response. Hope hes not going through a depressive episode. God knows I know how bad that can be. 😕
Either that or his phone fell in the toilet and he can't get a new one. Just kidding.

Hopefully he's got no health issues. Given the current climate lets hope he's ok.
A lot of long-time members don't seem to like him. I've never seen anything bad from him though except for a LOT of activity.
I kind of gathered that in the past. I'm wondering if most grew tired of him from the endless reactions and posting on nearly EVERYTHING. That's my theory anyway.
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