Anyone had Lasik done?

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nitrogen (N2) has no odor.

i have halos and glare night driving already. high contrast, like white signs or green lights, are more noticable. its not a blur though, more star-like. i suspect its lens flare (i use two lenses to see), but w/o glasses the world is just some fuzzy blobs of assorted colors so i am not the best judge.
i wonder about the glare problems people have. while i think lasik could cause increased glare, i suspect most people after the surgery are getting "different" glare. different lenses in the various glasses (lenses--glass, plastic, high-index) over the years, have produced different types of glare. there is always an adjustment period when i change the shape/style of the lense as well (even when my perscription doesnt change).

i dont consider myself a candidate for lasik since i am too lazy to wear safety glasses (and its too late to change that habit).
I had the Custom Lasik done, by TLC. It's been 5 weeks now and I still have a little trouble with night vision, but from what I have been told this may take up to 3 months to clear.
My own doctor had it done and he also said it took that long to clear up.
I do some amateur astronomy and am looking forward to when my eyes will clear up.
As for the is Nitrogen used to cool the laser beam...not your eyes burning.
Jack, sorry to hear about your problems. You were one of the first ones to do lasix. I thought about it when it was first being done but have waited out for almost ten years until the procedure becomes nearly idiot proof. my sister is thinking about having it done. so if she has it done and it goes 100% perfect, I'll probably have it done. Since were blood related, I don't see why not my eyes would go through the same recovery process.
I was bemoaning the cost of Lasik, but then I found out about the new, extended wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses from Menicon, called Menicon Z. Up to 30 days of continuous wear (day and night), with only one cleaning and overnight soak needed every 30 days. They were $365 (still waiting for insurance reimbursement to come through)--a heck of a lot less expensive than Lasik and less dangerous, too. I've been wearing them for a little over a month now on a weekly basis and find they're great. They're much more comfortable than my previous rigid gas permeables.

I'm a pretty happy camper!

Just another option in case anyone else might want to consider them.
Tayfor did mine 6 years ago,best money I ever spent and they have paid for themselves by now in eyeglass and sunglass replacment halo or any issues.You will be able to buy sunglasses "off the rack" when styles change or you lose them,the bene's go on and on.

They're much more comfortable than my previous rigid gas permeables.

What lenses have you been wearing previously? My last four sets of lenses have been Boston XO, which I do like quite a bit. I am interested in a lens called the MacroLens.
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