Any recommendation for a HDTV converter?

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Aug 5, 2002
Silicon Valley
I would like to use the 32" Polaroid that has a bad tuner. While it is possible to troubleshoot what went wrong I figure it is not worth the time when I can just buy a used ATSC converter.

I know back in the days those government subsidized converters output only SD resolution via RF and in some case RCA. However I would prefer something that can output 720 resolution via RCA (my TV's RF input is dead) and if possible also support clear QAM. As long as it works the cheaper the better, and I will consider used on ebay. I would prefer not to use a dedicate PC running a TV tuner card for complexity and noise reason.

Any suggestion?
You have any goodwill store nearby? You may have some luck finding one of those ATSC convertor with S-video output/RCA output or similar for your TV...

Good luck.

Unfortunately, ASTC HDTV tuners were expensive and they never went down in price. The "government issued" tuners do NOT allow high definition output. Besides, they would cost you over $50.

- Vikas
I have what you want (unless I chucked it out), a first generation samsung. Its reception ability is not as good as newer boxes. Y/Pr/Pb RCA outs in 720/1080. Got it some time ago at a yard sale (!) as it was a direcTV bonus for the previous owner.

They really improved the tuners at about the time the subsidized boxes were flying off the shelves in 2009. Now, the gizmos particularly HD ones are a niche item, but the parts bin tuners should still be improving.
You live in Silicon Valley and want to use a redneck method?

Buy this:|90607|2341&N=4047300 4294904820&Mo=8&No=8&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&topnav=
Look for an HD-3150+ from either Pro Brand International or Digital Stream (two brands, same unit). I have one and it does a great job. I think it's discontinued, but they're out there on the used market.
I would buy a Channel Master one. I have one and it works well. It was around $60-80, but I heard some of the cheaper ones died in about a year. This is probably due to heat build up inside the case. Zenith was also a good brand-Not sure if they still sell them, but may find them used since most TVs now come built in. I bought my Channel Master from Fry's, but Solid Signal may sell them as well. The Channel Master has s video out and traditional RCA's as well.
Originally Posted By: oilstudent24
I would buy a Channel Master one. I have one and it works well. It was around $60-80, but I heard some of the cheaper ones died in about a year.
To get HD, the OP is going to have to get the $120 Channel Master unit, the CM-7001. It's probably a decent unit.

I have an SD-only CM-7000, which is probably the model you are describing. It did need a full capacitor replacement after two years.
I have two of the good samsung ones that will do component and even HDMI output in 1080P.

I might sell you one if interested, PM me.

One of the two has gotten only a few hours of use ever.
Actually I have the same one as you. Ive had it over a year and no problems so far. It seems to have good reception and a clean picture.
A caution with the Samsung units: Use them only with widescreen monitors. They mangle the aspect ratio if the output is viewed on a 4:3 monitor.

I had a SIR-T351 once and it drove me nuts. The HD-3150+ replaced it. The SIR-T451 has the same issue.

As you can tell from my comments, I've been through a lot of ATSC tuners.
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