Another shooting

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Mar 5, 2003
Another mass killing took place in New Mexico. A teenage boy killed his family and sent a photo of his dead mother to his girlfriend.

The problem is not guns. There is something wrong in our current society. Perhaps poor mental health. Perhaps something that encourages kids to do this sort of thing. Maybe Hollywood movies or video games. Maybe problems in our educational system. Perhaps a moral code has to be taught in the schools.
"The problem is not guns. There is something wrong in our current society. Perhaps poor mental health. Perhaps something that encourages kids to do this sort of thing. Maybe Hollywood movies or video games. Maybe problems in our educational system. Perhaps a moral code has to be taught in the schools."

Originally Posted By: Mystic
Perhaps a moral code has to be taught in the schools.

The value of human life has been lowered since it's now "OK" to have an abortion and nobody bats an eye. Life is life, value every minute of it!!!!
Originally Posted By: Mystic
The problem is not guns. There is something wrong in our current society. Perhaps poor mental health. Perhaps something that encourages kids to do this sort of thing. Maybe Hollywood movies or video games. Maybe problems in our educational system. Perhaps a moral code has to be taught in the schools.

I totally agree.
It is the degeneration of our society through DELIBERATE actions.
Social, cultural, and moral examples being purposely introduced into OUR society.

Not an accident.

The only way the elite will destroy our nation and liberty is to defile what the nation is based on in the first place.
Funny, the same thing even happens on this forum. Someone initiates a topic saying we should pursue enhancing mental health reform in the wake of a tragedy committed by a troubled individual. A very wise proposition...

...And already that's been turned into "the real problem is pro-abortion because all life is sacred", "the elite are deliberately oppressing us through a secret NWO we must wake people up to destroy"...

What else are we missing? What other agendas do people have that we can shoehorn in here?
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I think anti-depressants and other psych drugs might be responsible. People assume that medications make people with mental illness less dangerous but often times it's just the oposite. Of course healthcare and pharmaceuticals have so much power and wealth it's rarely mentioned.

The news seems to be reporting just about every shooting now. I'm not saying they shouldn;t report them, but it seems like they're reporting them more just to make a gun ban seem necesary.
Originally Posted By: RiceCake
Funny, the same thing even happens on this forum. Someone initiates a topic saying we should pursue enhancing mental health reform in the wake of a tragedy committed by a troubled individual. A very wise proposition...

...And already that's been turned into "the real problem is pro-abortion because all life is sacred", "the elite are deliberately oppressing us through a secret NWO we must wake people up to destroy"...

What else are we missing? What other agendas do people have that we can shoehorn in here?

Originally Posted By: mechanicx
I think anti-depressants and other psych drugs might be responsible. People assume that medications make people with mental illness less dangerous but often times it's just the oposite. Of course healthcare and pharmaceuticals have so much power and wealth it's rarely mentioned.

The news seems to be reporting just about every shooting now. I'm not saying they shouldn;t report them, but it seems like they're reporting them more just to make a gun ban seem necesary.

Its the "hot button" of the month. Gun control is on everyones minds so its sensational to throw every shred of it out there. The media panders to the mob, unfortunately.

As for the drugs thing thats difficult. Most people dealing with depression/anxiety/etc tend to develop complexes. If you hate the world and everyone around you and you're utterly frustrated by it, you can develop a feeling that you'll never escape and that the world is only out to get you, give you drugs so you get along and fall into line, etc. Its easy for people to not take it or take it and be forgot about; drugs don't just instantly "make you happy" so taking them can cause an already depressed person to be inadvertently further isolated because they've been "fixed".

It doesn't help that most antidepressants cause people to become more 'active' at their most vulnerable. Sort of like getting that burst of motivation when you've spent months too apathetic to act on feelings of wanting to kill a bunch of people. Many of them come with the first side effect being "increased thoughts of committing suicide". Its the sort of thing you really have to watch people carefully with and most people treat depression and mental health like the flu.
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When i was in school, a schoolyard scrap was not uncommon. A fistfight or an on the ground wrestle would happen and a few bruises and a black eye later, you were in the principles office. There you would receive a lecture, talk about who started it , then you both would be made to clean up the school grounds of trash, together. Fast forward to today. Two kids disagree, can't have a scuffle or the law will be called, a possible juvenile court issue, and after that nothing is worked out between the kids. So the tension builds, no scuffle, (don't want the law called) no way to sort out differences, the tension builds until a kid snaps and brings a gun or a knife. Perhaps a schoolyard scuffle here and there might not be a bad thing, unless the school officials, parents overreact with suspensions, handcuffs etc.
Just my thoughts.
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Originally Posted By: RiceCake
Funny, the same thing even happens on this forum. Someone initiates a topic saying we should pursue enhancing mental health reform in the wake of a tragedy committed by a troubled individual. A very wise proposition...

...And already that's been turned into "the real problem is pro-abortion because all life is sacred", "the elite are deliberately oppressing us through a secret NWO we must wake people up to destroy"...

What else are we missing? What other agendas do people have that we can shoehorn in here?

It's the desensitization that's hurting society. Are you saying your life has no value then since it's not sacred? Just trying to get on the same page that you are...
When i was in school, a schoolyard scrap was not uncommon.

While I don't agree with kids fighting (a kid who regularly gets his [censored] completely beat and humiliated is going to be a very very damaged person when they grow up), I will say the system has been skewn into a situation where the level of stress is astronomical. Kids are likely also too "connected", social media, cell phones, etc. Seems these days in school you build a huge, complicated pyramid of contacts which can fall at the drop of the hat with how quickly and publicly relationships, sex, opinion and what not can bulldoze through your clique.

All I know is in my day if you did something stupid the worst you had was people "talking about you", as opposed to everyone logging onto Facebook and having your entire life history to scrutinize and laugh at, feeling free to gang together with others to stone you for it.
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Originally Posted By: RiceCake
When i was in school, a schoolyard scrap was not uncommon.

All I know is in my day if you did something stupid the worst you had was people "talking about you", as opposed to everyone logging onto Facebook and having your entire life history to scrutinize and laugh at, feeling free to gang together with others to stone you for it.

A very valid point.
Originally Posted By: Mystic

The problem is not guns. There is something wrong in our current society. Perhaps poor mental health. Perhaps something that encourages kids to do this sort of thing. Maybe Hollywood movies or video games. Maybe problems in our educational system. Perhaps a moral code has to be taught in the schools.

You nailed it again buddy!
Originally Posted By: RiceCake
Funny, the same thing even happens on this forum. Someone initiates a topic saying we should pursue enhancing mental health reform in the wake of a tragedy committed by a troubled individual. A very wise proposition...

The real problem is that the people in charge of our mental health care, justice system, and politics are mentally ill. I am very serious about it: I don't mean it as a joke.
Originally Posted By: spasm3
Originally Posted By: RiceCake
When i was in school, a schoolyard scrap was not uncommon.

All I know is in my day if you did something stupid the worst you had was people "talking about you", as opposed to everyone logging onto Facebook and having your entire life history to scrutinize and laugh at, feeling free to gang together with others to stone you for it.

A very valid point.


And a serious lack of morals, period.
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