An experiment.

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Apr 17, 2005
I have received a lot of messages about my post that talked about doing something every day just to make your day, sometimes something for a specific person or just some little thing. I know you are all busy and have a lot of important things to do and not enough time but this is really a very selfish experiment. It might make you feel good in a way that nothing else will. You can buy it or buy a subscription or subcontract it out. Just do one little thing every day, something small, something that costs no money or maybe something that costs only a couple of bucks.

Here is my little thing I did today. I left early for work and stopped at a rest spot on the freeway where squirrels mooch food from people that stop. The babies are out and about. I sat down with a bag of apples and spent a half hour feeding them all pieces of apples. A family showed up and I taught their two preschool kids how to feed the squirrels and how it's nice to take a break and watch them play. The mother and father were a little standoffish but I soon had them involved when they saw how much fun the kids were having. The mother had her nose in the air a bit but when one baby squirrel came up, stood on her foot and begged she gave in and started having fun. It cost me a dozen apples and a half hour of my time and I'll feel better all day.

So far my only problem is that a 90 year old lady is feeding me cookies, pies and cake and if I'm not careful I'm going to gain weight. She is one fantastic cook. My wife thinks is cute that she is paying me so much attention but I have introduced her to another neighbor and they are taking walks together and I think there is romance in the air. Monday she went to the hair salon and got all fixed up. He has had the cleaning lady in two extra times last week and last Sunday he borrowed my lawn mower and hired another neighbor's son to do the yard. Could it be...

Anyhow, try the do something a day and tell us how it goes.
I once rescued a baby squirrel that was orphaned. This was just before winter was to set in. He lived with me for seven months until the weather got warm and he could fend for himself. It's an experience I'll never forget.

I think about him every time I see the squirrel scene from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" with Chevy Chase.
It's always better to give than receive. Good idea BarkerMan.
Well, I don't know if it qualifies, but yesterday one of the members of our seasonal homeless shelter (now closed) called to see if he could use my tools and garage for a bit. He's a confirmed alcoholic and gave up his license a few years ago not wanting to hurt anyone. He's the type with the .28 level of DUI. He's working now and is getting back on firm(er) footing. He's got housing now ..on his dime..doing excellent contract work for some landlord in town. I unlocked the garage and went about my business. He comes by in about an hour. Big hug and smiles. Oddly, I don't feel the love. By that I mean, I don't feel it. Probably hardwiring from being an only child, but I can see it in others. He saw that "works" provided for him that day. A gift from someone else (not me) ..and he was right.
Julian ..I feel a certain level of "security" knowing that you're in the background

What I think Bakerman is putting forth here is "are you a person of inherent goodwill, and do you attempt to evidence it when possible"?

There's no requirement that you plunge to the depths that I have to do your thing. It can just be taking the empty cart from someone who has just put the groceries in their car ..instead of getting one at the door of the supermarket and making them return it (or not) to the cart collection area.

It's a lifestyle of social interaction. Now it can surely extend well beyond that into a byproduct of belief as evidenced in your conduct.
i was in Pittsburg one evening and my parents, brother, gf and i were eating dinner at a hotel lobby in downtown and i noticed an old lady trying to get the catschup and mustard bottle open and couldnt. (assuming it was bc of arthritis and or strength).. so i took the notion of walking across the dining area and opening it up for her. I was applauded by other people in the area closer to her than i was. my only response was " yeah we do nice things like this all the time in the south".. they shut up

the only real reason why i did that was bc the people who applauded could have easily done the same but they didnt. they were kind of making fun of her from what i heard as i walked by the first time. a-holes!
not a did today, but rewarded today.

Better half was leaving seed out for the local birds. We started getting a few sulfur crested morning 16 on a roof about 4 feet by 5. Moved seed onto the bigger hosts 25 at a time. One of them's an ex pet by the looks of it. He talks...simply "hello cocky", but generally mumbles.

About a week ago, a really banged up bird showed up. Hit by a car by the looks of him. Can fly, but his beak is badly damaged. Can still eat when the others break and drop seed, he scavenges. Started preening on Sunday, and flying much better.

This morning, wound up the blinds and there were a couple of beautiful grass parrots to watch while I cooked my toast. Didn't want to scare them, but two males by the looks of it.
In our subdivision, we've developed a little community where we help each other out. We mow each other's lawns when someone can't do it, watch each other's houses, feed each others dogs and cats and so on. Socialize together. Some neighbors even have keys to our house to take care of things inside when we are not around. And the interesting thing is that it is a very mixed middle class neighborhood - Republicans, Democrats, black, white, young/old, an immigrant family from Guyana. Just requires people to trust each other a little and reach out. Don't complain about little stuff and try not to be suspicious of every little thing. Then the goodwill will snowball.
Great ideas here BarkerMan. I'll try what you suggest. Tomorrow, I will take out my little pickup and a hand full of garbage bags and pick up trash on a highway near my house that is chock full of trash revealing by the melted snow.

I'll let you know how it goes...
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Shannow, grass parakeets, beautiful birds.

We have some former pets as visitors now and then, some love birds (noisy) and some large military macaws. We put seed out for the birds and it's worth the expense to watch the birds close up. Every now and then a strange one shows up that we can't identify.
My wife did the bird feeding thing for about six months. The birds really came to count on it, and then the rats did too. And then the rats figured out that even more birdseed was stored inside the house and we really had a problem. Fortunately, the cats were figuring out about the rats, and when we left the garage door open, they found the rats' entry point and the problem finally was solved.

We don't feed birds any more, but it was very nice while it lasted.
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Anyone familiar with Shrews? This winter, my garage was filled with them until i put out the bait blocks and glue traps. They are the weirdest looking little rodents.
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