That's right, I happen to have a big amsoil dealer that lives right around the corner from me! I was backing out my driveway and a big ol ford super duty drove by with an amsoil sticker on it and dozens of cases of amsoil in the bed. So I drove up there and talked to the guy. I can literally walk about 1/4 of a block up my street and buy whatever amsoil I want
The only thing he doesn't have that much inventory of is amsoil oil filters, but even he said that oil filters are oil filters EXCEPT for Fram. I just about fell over laughing. He even said if I buy some from him that he'd throw in a couple of oil analysis for dirt cheap and that I could just drop them off at his house and he'd send them to the amsoil lab. He does that for other customers. **** , I feel lucky. I'm for sure going to give amsoil 10w-30 a try now with analysis of my current pennzoil 10w-30 to see how the amsoil holds up. Cheers
[ May 06, 2003, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Drew99GT ]

[ May 06, 2003, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Drew99GT ]