45 ACP Ammo

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Feb 28, 2003
Cajun Country, La.
In another thread y'all know that I'm getting a G21 (Friday, due to the virus).
I have been looking around on the interweb for 45 ACP ammo. If any of the ammo companies have it in stock it's very expensive, which I knew this already. What really gets me is the shipping costs. The lowest price I have found was at UNDERWOOD AMMO, $7.95 flat rate. What I really want for SD is the Winchester 230 gr. Ranger T-Series ammo. The bullet expands to over an inch with those nasty talons!
Any advice as where I can get practice ammo (FMJ) and a good JHP for SD.
Thank You!
In your area of the country, Academy or Walmart is going to have the best prices on 45 ACP. And yes 230gr or 185gr adds up when you start shipping it, no way around that.
Originally Posted by Reddy45
In your area of the country, Academy or Walmart is going to have the best prices on 45 ACP. And yes 230gr or 185gr adds up when you start shipping it, no way around that.

Walmart stopped selling pistol ammunition and Academy is out of stock (as are most retailers these days).

BOF - I know that you have a penchant for Winchester Ranger T, but you should really expand your horizons and try other brands--Federal HST, Hornady Critical Defense, Speer Gold Dot, and Winchester PDX1 as examples. All of these are equal to or greater than Ranger T.

[Linked Image from iili.io]
Depending on the volume you shoot, TargetSportsUsa.com has free shipping with their prime membership. You can also see if a local gun store is willing to order a few boxes for you
Originally Posted by 2015_PSD
Originally Posted by Reddy45
In your area of the country, Academy or Walmart is going to have the best prices on 45 ACP. And yes 230gr or 185gr adds up when you start shipping it, no way around that.

Walmart stopped selling pistol ammunition and Academy is out of stock (as are most retailers these days).

BOF - I know that you have a penchant for Winchester Ranger T, but you should really expand your horizons and try other brands--Federal HST, Hornady Critical Defense, Speer Gold Dot, and Winchester PDX1 as examples. All of these are equal to or greater than Ranger T.

[Linked Image from iili.io]

Like this?
I have more brands, just couldn't fit them all in the pic. But, I can try.

I just ordered from GA Arms and highly recommend. Ordered 4/16 and received 4/20. $20 shipping on my order so it helps to place a decent size order or split an order with a buddy.
If you have that much self defense ammo then why not just buy some target ammo and go shoot the gun. Not a good time to try and find cheap available self defense ammo with what's going on with ammo hoarding.
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
If you have that much self defense ammo then why not just buy some target ammo and go shoot the gun. Not a good time to try and find cheap available self defense ammo with what's going on with ammo hoarding.

He might not have any SD ammo in .45 ACP. It's like oil, just pick a nice name brand ammo. You can parse the minutia of the SD ammo but they'll all get the job done.
You might want to start with a small order of the self defense stuff. I dont think the 21 is picky but I have seen guns that are normally reliable balk at some hollow point or flat nose. Get lots of practice ammo and a box each of several defense rounds just to be sure before you place a big order.
Originally Posted by Cacciatore
Depending on the volume you shoot, TargetSportsUsa.com has free shipping with their prime membership. You can also see if a local gun store is willing to order a few boxes for you

Not just prime. Buy a certain number of boxes and it's free. Usually enough for 500 or 1000.
Bass Pro appears to have plenty in their warehouses. Some of their ammo is on sale also. Free shipping for orders over $50.
Fortunately if you look (use ammoseek.com) 45 ball is still available. But it's running around 38 cents a round give or take, I was paying around 22-25 cents a round a year ago. But it still can be had at least.

SGAmmo has some cases (ouch) and as mentioned Bass Pro had some the other day and their prices are still reasonable.
Originally Posted by Geauxtiger
Bass Pro appears to have plenty in their warehouses. Some of their ammo is on sale also. Free shipping for orders over $50.

I just paid $50.79 at BASS PRO SHOP, online, for a box of FMJ and a box of JHP. I also bought some cleaning solvent as well. And, FREE shipping.
Someone said that for a brief they can get ammo sent in California. Didn't know you couldn't before lol. Guess living out in no man's land the news doesn't reach us by telegram as quickly. Haven't turned on cable news in months though either.
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