Originally Posted by SilverFusion2010
The 20w-50 conventional will run 7500 miles
The Castrol 0w-40 is the "correct" oil
If you go with the M1 10w-40 route, they run rebates twice a year. $12 back on a 5qt jug, buying at Walmart it comes out around $13 for a 5qt jug of syn. M1 has a good 0w-40
HDEO 15w-40 or 5w-40 would also work fine.
Penzoil also runs rebates, and they have a full syn 0w-40 euro oil available at Walmart.
If the consumption bothers you I would try different oils until I found the one that seems to slow the consumption.
Nothing wrong with keeping your same regimen. That amount of consumption is pretty low considering the mileage. Might be worth checking the PCV valve if it has one, when the internal spring weakens manifold vacuum can pull oil mist from the crankcase straight into the intake.
Thanks for the info. PCV system is fairly new, as I replaced everything about 40k miles ago when I did the timing chain guides.
Originally Posted by edyvw
I would drop to W40. You should not be concerned with LL01. Yes, Castrol 0W40 will do fine, but as far as I know M62 was anyway recommended for LL98.
Issue with W50 is that it will increase oil temperature. I would go with W40, 5W40, 10W40 (Castrol Edge 10W40 as far as I know is available in Wal Mart and is synthetic).
Maybe high mileage oil would be better to keep seals flexible.
Yeah thinking about the Castrol 5w-40 synthetic. I looked at the 0w-40 European Formula Mobil 1 synthetic jug I just bought at Walmart for the 540 and it says nothing on it about BMW LL-01. It used to be approved for it a couple years ago, which is why I used it in that car. Now online, their oil finder says they don't offer oil in the US for my car. Nor does my Castrol conventional 20w-50 bottles or 10w-40 bottles have the rating. But the Castrol Edge 0w-30, 0w-40, and 5w-40 are all LL-01 rated.
I think I may do what was mentioned before and do the obvious: just go with whatever is LL-01 approved. I'll switch both cars to Castrol Edge 5w-40 for the LL-01 rating and the 5w because its FL and rarely cold here.
Originally Posted by dave1251
There is quite a few owners who prefer to use HDEO conventional and or the 20W50 like you. There really is no better or best.
I think the bottom line is I could probably use any of these and still be fine.
Originally Posted by RyanY
I switched from Pennzoil Platinum 5w30 to Pennzoil Platinum HM 5W30 over a year ago in my Cadillac. Prior to the switch I was using about 1 qt/1000 miles. No leaks, so likely burning the oil as GM 3.6l engines are known to do. After the switch the oil use went down to about 1 qt/4000 miles. Therefore, switching to HM can reduce consumption, at least in some cases.
Importantly, however, this benefit came at a cost. My engine has always had a very slight timing chain rattle on cold starts, as GM 3.6l engines are well-known to do at some point in their lives. After using HM for about a 1.5 years I noticed the rattle was a little more prominent, and occurred any time the car sat for more than 30 min. As I was planning for a new timing chain install, it was again time for an oil change. This time I used Castrol Magnatec syn 5w30 because it was a killer deal at $1/qt. After about a week on Magnatec the rattle went back to its former self...just a very slight rattle only on cold starts. My interpretation is that the HM failed to maintain pressure in the tensioner as well as non-HM oil did. I don't know exactly why this happened, but apparently the PPHM lacks intelligent molecules, LOL!
It is therefore hard to say whether an HM oil would be a good choice for your BMW. I don't think it would cause new problems but could exacerbate some while helping others. If I try HM again it will likely be Maxlife syn or Edge syn. Just because the PP HM was less than ideal.
Interesting experience you had. I'm inclined not to go there with the HM oils, due to the fact that I don't have any leaks or noises. I don't want the seal swellers and stuff like that if I don't need them.