2019 Nissan Sentra

Jan 16, 2021
Last November I bought a highly discounted left over 19 Nissan Sentra s 6 spd with 29 miles on it. Which now I have 15500 on it because I drive a lot for work as a Biomed. The manual says to run 0w20 at 5k intervals no matter what conditions. But I remember lurking on this forum a lot of Nissan engines are hard on oil. Plus when I change it the oil is very dark for a new car. Plus it’s an mra8de 1.8l engine with a timing chain. Do you think it maybe worth it to switch to a 5w30? I like the car albeit it’s very slow. But it has a lot of space inside and room to carry my tool box for work along with everything else.
5k on a full synthetic is not very long at all a 0w20 should be easily up to the task. If your 6 speed holds you around 2.5-3k on the highway and that is where you accumulate most of your miles then I’d say 5w-30 would be a good choice also. If you keep with 5k changes I’d personally run the 5w30 for summer and 0w20 for winter if you need the peace of mind.
Is the engine direct injection? If not, this engine might be a candidate for longer oil change intervals. 5W-30 won’t hurt it.
5k is good enough if manual says so.
3.5k miles will not hurt either (potential benefit in the VERY long run, maybe) but will add a bit of load on your wallet.
It is just regular port fuel inj no gdi
I normally cruise on the hwy at 75 so I am at about 3300 rpm.
The oil gets very dark at 5k plus I live near Phoenix, Az so it’s very hot here.
that’s why I am thinking of moving up because I feel it’s hard on oil.
This series of engines IMO wouldn't skip a beat between 0w16 and 15w40. If it was DI like my 2019 Pathfinder is, I'd go with 5w30 at a ~3-4K mile OCI, but it's not, so run whatever at a 5K mile interval like said.
The 2016 owners manual permitted the use of 5w30, so I'd see no problem in unsing it.
I think I may try the 5w30 syn because out here it’s very hot. Plus I drive a lot for work so I may do just st syn.

I have the same car you have, a 2019 Nissan Sentra S 6 speed manual transmission I purchased new in 2020 and it now has approx 7500 miles on it. I have engine noise after my car has reached full operating temperature. I think the noise might be normal but I don't know anyone else that has the same car as I do so I'm not sure. Would you mind checking your car and responding back to me with the results on this forum? To test your car let the engine reach full operating temperature then let it warm up at least an additional 10 minutes. Put the parking brake on and turn off the AC, Fan and Radio and put transmission in neutral then take foot off of the clutch. In neutral bring engine to 2000 to 2400 RPM and hold it steady at a constant RPM and you can hear the noise a definite lite knocking or tapping or chatter and you can vary the RPM up and down within 2000 to 2400 RPM and also hear it. I do not hear the noise when driving the car except occasionally a little between shifting gears at slow speed when road noise is low. I also do not hear the noise until at least 10 minutes after the engine has reached full operating temperature. If your car has the same noise then I might conclude that the noise is normal. If not I might need to take my car to my Nissan Dealership for possible warranty work. It sounds to me like timing chain slack noise but I'm not sure. Please let me know your outcome on this post, after you check your car. Also, can you let me know what Oil and Filter you are using...I changed my oil at 4000 miles with Quaker State Ultimate Durablilty Full Synthetic 0W20 with an OEM Nissan Oil Filter. Thanks for your help.
I think it maybe normal because mine does the same.


Thank you for checking this for me and responding to me. Yes, I think it is probably is normal for this engine as I had one more late model Sentra owner post on another thread that his makes a similar noise at these RPMs. Again Thanks and have a great weekend...
IDK, call me old fashioned, but I think the manufacturer knows what's best for their engines. That you can use a different weight doesn't necessarily mean you either should or that there;s some inherently better reason to do so, and especially given your driving conditions, which sound low stress.
I’ve been running Castrol Magnatec 0W-20 in my daughters, changed at 5,000 miles. It doesn’t use a drop between OCIs.