~100K mi UOA back from sample collected almost a month ago now (BS is slooow). Well, it's not pretty. This HPL Euro 5W40 had ~4K mi including 5x track days over a relatively short time period (~2 mos). These track days saw oil temps in the 270-280 deg F range for 20-45 min at a time. I have gotten better on track and am pushing my car much harder than in the past as evidenced by a consistent drop in my lap times at multiple tracks. I've included my running trend graph in analyte ppm/1K mi to normalize OCI length. Keep in mind this 1.8L turbo is making ~200hp/L.....
Viscosity drop:
The viscosity drop is very concerning, I haven't seen that before with HPL and the flashpoint is high indicating that this isn't fuel but I would wager there is some fuel in there, I really need to get a split sample next time for analysis at a different lab using GC to actually see a real fuel number. I can tell you that based on this UOA, I am NOT pushing OCIs past 4-5K as I had previously said I would do this year...doing the full year/track season/10K miles on a change. Forget that. I'd say this pushed it too far. I'm not going to change after every track weekend either but maybe every other and accept this as a consumable cost. I would even consider just going back to FCP Euro Liquimoly kits that are free and just changing them more regularly b/c the cost is nearly zero...we'll see. Also considered giving Amsoil a shot to throw some positive vibes to @Pablo.
Wear metals:
Terrible. I tend to agree with BS here, the VERY high Si is the likely cause. I have said in previous posts that I have noted dust in my intake hose since changing intakes a few years ago. Previously with a K&N oiled filter with the stock air box as well as a different open-element intake, I saw no issues/clean intake tract and v. low/normal Si levels (prev. elevated Si was direclty related to sealer used in a v. large repair as well as the ~10ppm VOA Si that the HPL oil has). This filter is a dry-flow filter from the intake manufaturer (maybe re-branded AEM?). I have to have a sealing issue/hole so tomorrow I'll be removing my intake and REALLY combing it over for a leak/sealing issue. A few weeks ago I had it off for a different reason and noting the excessive f. dust, cleaned the components thoroughly with Simple Green/soap/water/toliet brush and oiled the filter (even though I know you really don't need/aren't supposed to)....I'm curious how it looks after doing that b/c I believe the oil is a better trap for the fine dust...if the filter is even the issue here. I will get to the bottom of this stat! I have considered taking measurements and buying a K&N that fits my intake....they make a ton of universal fit filters but first need to spend a conserted effort and determining if there is a leak somewhere allowing the dust in/if the dry filter is even an issue. My poor turbo ahahahaha
I did a compression test in the fall with excellent results - 180psi across all 4 cylinders so I don't think this is killing my engine at this point but I do plan on doing them each year when I change my plugs so hopefully no drama after this. Also plan on picking up a cheap boroscope to have a look-see in the cylinders at that time as well.
Viscosity drop:
The viscosity drop is very concerning, I haven't seen that before with HPL and the flashpoint is high indicating that this isn't fuel but I would wager there is some fuel in there, I really need to get a split sample next time for analysis at a different lab using GC to actually see a real fuel number. I can tell you that based on this UOA, I am NOT pushing OCIs past 4-5K as I had previously said I would do this year...doing the full year/track season/10K miles on a change. Forget that. I'd say this pushed it too far. I'm not going to change after every track weekend either but maybe every other and accept this as a consumable cost. I would even consider just going back to FCP Euro Liquimoly kits that are free and just changing them more regularly b/c the cost is nearly zero...we'll see. Also considered giving Amsoil a shot to throw some positive vibes to @Pablo.
Wear metals:
Terrible. I tend to agree with BS here, the VERY high Si is the likely cause. I have said in previous posts that I have noted dust in my intake hose since changing intakes a few years ago. Previously with a K&N oiled filter with the stock air box as well as a different open-element intake, I saw no issues/clean intake tract and v. low/normal Si levels (prev. elevated Si was direclty related to sealer used in a v. large repair as well as the ~10ppm VOA Si that the HPL oil has). This filter is a dry-flow filter from the intake manufaturer (maybe re-branded AEM?). I have to have a sealing issue/hole so tomorrow I'll be removing my intake and REALLY combing it over for a leak/sealing issue. A few weeks ago I had it off for a different reason and noting the excessive f. dust, cleaned the components thoroughly with Simple Green/soap/water/toliet brush and oiled the filter (even though I know you really don't need/aren't supposed to)....I'm curious how it looks after doing that b/c I believe the oil is a better trap for the fine dust...if the filter is even the issue here. I will get to the bottom of this stat! I have considered taking measurements and buying a K&N that fits my intake....they make a ton of universal fit filters but first need to spend a conserted effort and determining if there is a leak somewhere allowing the dust in/if the dry filter is even an issue. My poor turbo ahahahaha
I did a compression test in the fall with excellent results - 180psi across all 4 cylinders so I don't think this is killing my engine at this point but I do plan on doing them each year when I change my plugs so hopefully no drama after this. Also plan on picking up a cheap boroscope to have a look-see in the cylinders at that time as well.
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