2017 Housing Market & Inevitable Crash

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Originally Posted By: PR1955
Gold as a solid investment ? When the "crash" comes, what is gold going to do for you ? It, along with other investments, will have no value. Will you sell it for worthless currency ? Can you eat it ? Can you heat your home with it ?
I am not debating that a "crash", or at least a major correction is eventually inevitable, I question the value of gold as being a more "solid investment" than anything else.

HUH???????????? You cant be serious. Gold and Silver is the one and ONLY hard currency since mankind started trading products for money.

Of course you can eat gold, you can heat your home with it, its the ONLY real thing to trade other then of course, real land and property.

Originally Posted By: Win
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Its all just fake money, the whole economy is fake money, what people think they are worth is fake too.
The Federal debt is fake, the pension funds are fake, Wall Street is fake.
The only thing that is real is solid investments, like gold etc. ....

I am unsophisticated, but I was more or less with you, until you got to gold.

That class of property called real property, is called that for a reason.

Everything else, including metals, isn't. Also for a reason.

Your wrong, Gold and silver is called real currency, just like property.
There is no real currency unless it is real, like gold.

Gold is not printed paper with a value on it put out by the "faith" of any government, Gold is real currency that government can not control.

Its the very governments of this world that stock, gold being a world standard they can lessen the impact of back monetary policies around the world.

Its really easy to research, google is your friend.
But here is a REALLY simple example, simplest in the world.
The people of Greece have been devastated by their governments monetary policies, future generations of poverty are now born, the value of their currency in the gutter, life savings gone, property values DEAD but anyone who has their savings backed in gold lost nothing. Not a dime ... while people lined at banks trying to take their paper money out of banks ... people invested in gold, had .. guess, HARD CURRENCY recognized AROUND THE WORLD NOT [censored] cheap Greek money worth nothing.
Here those immigrants have money, which is why they are allowed here, and why the powers that be are not worried about how out of shape the housing market is. But it is election year...and now it is sinking in, the populous is not happy.
Originally Posted By: PimTac
How are these "migrants and immigrants " able to afford housing without work or with low pay work? The answer is the govt which is handing out benefits. Many live several families to one house. In this case the govt is reducing supply thus indirectly spurring the price increases.

You contradicted yourself several times over. If everyone were eligible for benefits they'd have single family housing. If they live 20 to a house they aren't really restricting supply. And if they could afford to spread out but choose not to for cultural reasons or whatever the rest of their money is going into the economy anyway.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Originally Posted By: Win
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Its all just fake money, the whole economy is fake money, what people think they are worth is fake too.
The Federal debt is fake, the pension funds are fake, Wall Street is fake.
The only thing that is real is solid investments, like gold etc. ....

I am unsophisticated, but I was more or less with you, until you got to gold.

That class of property called real property, is called that for a reason.

Everything else, including metals, isn't. Also for a reason.

Your wrong, Gold and silver is called real currency, just like property.
There is no real currency unless it is real, like gold.

Gold is not printed paper with a value on it put out by the "faith" of any government, Gold is real currency that government can not control.

Its the very governments of this world that stock, gold being a world standard they can lessen the impact of back monetary policies around the world.

Its really easy to research, google is your friend.
But here is a REALLY simple example, simplest in the world.
The people of Greece have been devastated by their governments monetary policies, future generations of poverty are now born, the value of their currency in the gutter, life savings gone, property values DEAD but anyone who has their savings backed in gold lost nothing. Not a dime ... while people lined at banks trying to take their paper money out of banks ... people invested in gold, had .. guess, HARD CURRENCY recognized AROUND THE WORLD NOT [censored] cheap Greek money worth nothing.

There's a difference between theory and reality. In bad times, gold is good. Trouble is, the times have been pretty spectacular of late so gold has not been that great an investment. After all the benchmark of all investments is the total return.

As for being outside government control, bitcoin is also in the same boat with a lot of other digital currency out there now.
Originally Posted By: PimTac
How are these "migrants and immigrants " able to afford housing without work or with low pay work? The answer is the govt which is handing out benefits. Many live several families to one house. In this case the govt is reducing supply thus indirectly spurring the price increases.

It's very common in south FL for someone to buy a 4 bedroom house and rent out every room. You always see 7 cars at the house. Code enforcement really can't do anything to home owner.
Originally Posted By: Wolf359
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Originally Posted By: Win
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Its all just fake money, the whole economy is fake money, what people think they are worth is fake too.
The Federal debt is fake, the pension funds are fake, Wall Street is fake.
The only thing that is real is solid investments, like gold etc. ....

I am unsophisticated, but I was more or less with you, until you got to gold.

That class of property called real property, is called that for a reason.

Everything else, including metals, isn't. Also for a reason.

Your wrong, Gold and silver is called real currency, just like property.
There is no real currency unless it is real, like gold.

Gold is not printed paper with a value on it put out by the "faith" of any government, Gold is real currency that government can not control.

Its the very governments of this world that stock, gold being a world standard they can lessen the impact of back monetary policies around the world.

Its really easy to research, google is your friend.
But here is a REALLY simple example, simplest in the world.
The people of Greece have been devastated by their governments monetary policies, future generations of poverty are now born, the value of their currency in the gutter, life savings gone, property values DEAD but anyone who has their savings backed in gold lost nothing. Not a dime ... while people lined at banks trying to take their paper money out of banks ... people invested in gold, had .. guess, HARD CURRENCY recognized AROUND THE WORLD NOT [censored] cheap Greek money worth nothing.

There's a difference between theory and reality. In bad times, gold is good. Trouble is, the times have been pretty spectacular of late so gold has not been that great an investment. After all the benchmark of all investments is the total return.

As for being outside government control, bitcoin is also in the same boat with a lot of other digital currency out there now.

Ummmm .. my reply to the post wasnt about investing, it was about being protected with gold holdings during a crash.
As far as the "Total Return" MOST people have no idea what that means.

Example, the average person has no investments, but the average worker working for a large compnay does have investments.
Normally a 401K.
Ok, so here is where things go wrong. The average person sees their 401 k skyrocketing the past 6 years and that is great BUT they are thinking that money is theirs. Thing is, there is no money, no worth until the day its cashed in.
What is there today can be gone in a week. The money they think they have is simply what investors think its worth today.
Yes, we are the USA and its a safe investment, but dont think for a second its safe to have all your eggs in a basket of a value of a portfolio that is only worth what someone will pay for it.

There is a reason, HUGE banks and governments have been stocking up on gold, its insurance policy and that is all I am saying. Remember the last crash, people in other countries lost everything where they invested in the USA. (New Zealand)
alarmguy - I have to ask: what do you have for assets?

Seriously. I would like to know.

Do your actions follow your rhetoric?

Or are you a victim of "gold bugs", ascribing to the theory that everything else is worthless to rationalize your lack of investment?

I've got a modest position (in percentage of portfolio) in Vanguard's precious metal and mining fund. I've traded in gold for short term goals.

But the only precious metals I own at the moment are lead and brass...
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Ok, so here is where things go wrong. The average person sees their 401 k skyrocketing the past 6 years and that is great BUT they are thinking that money is theirs. Thing is, there is no money, no worth until the day its cashed in.

I could say the same thing about your gold. What is it worth? Its a chunk of metal. It is worth nothing until you exchange it for something. The same way any money works.
Unless when you're cold and hungry, you think having a shiny metal that is useful for electronic manufacturing is somehow beneficial. The industrial uses for gold are of no more help than cash, if the S really hits the fan.

Originally Posted By: alarmguy

Ever hear of BitCoin?
I have a funny feeling that the alarmguy's gold investment is actually on paper. that is he is most likely holding gold based security. This sort of makes sense because most normal house is not secure enough to hold a pound or two of gold inside!

Ironically, that also means that alarmguy has no gold but he just thinks he has gold.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy

Its the very governments of this world that stock, gold being a world standard they can lessen the impact of back monetary policies around the world.

Pretty sure the U.S. Government holds more real property than gold.

I'm not aware of wars on a global scale being fought for gold. One continent, in particular, is notorious for fighting wars over control of real property.

I'm at a loss as to how gold protects you in a doomsday scenario. When modern society has collapsed, and I'm using my undeveloped real property for mundane things like shelter, pigs, goats, potatoes and corn, why would I be interested in a few flakes of your gold? Bring me some water or milk or lumber or something I can actually use.
The doomsday and zombie apocalypse scenarios are pretty popular in the US, but are ridiculous.
Recession, depression, hyperinflation and war are far more likely to happen, a question of when rather then if.
In this regard Alarmguy is more sensible with his gold that some in this thread.
FYI I hold stocks not gold.
Once again I do not believe he stocks physical gold bullion at his house. That would be pretty stupid.

Holding virtual gold is even stupider. Somebody out there tells you that he is holding some gold in your name and you are paying them for the privilege of them telling you that your gold is sitting in one of the bank vault.
Originally Posted By: dblshock
we're way over due for an epic plague, the whole system could collapse quickly.

The last epic plague was probably the Spanish flu back in 1918 and the death rate from that was about 2.5%.

These alarmist posts are interesting, but if you live your life by them, you give up a lot more than you might gain. You basically have to play the odds. Do you wear your seat belt? Probably 99% of the time it'd save your life and maybe that 1% chance where you're thrown clear and the car is destroyed. How do you play it? I always wear my seat belt.
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