2010 Outback


Oct 9, 2024
I just purchased a 2010 Subaru Outback 2.5 I here they do not like oil or fuel additives. I was using Mobile 1 synthetic in my last vehicle. Thinking about switching to Valvoline synthetic for this Subi. 5-30 weight for the 2010. Any one have a preference for Subaru's?
I just purchased a 2010 Subaru Outback 2.5 I here they do not like oil or fuel additives. I was using Mobile 1 synthetic in my last vehicle. Think about swith to Valvoline synthetic for this Subi. 5-30 weight for the 2010. Any one have a preference for Subaru's?
165k miles
My family has owned four Subarus. I don't use oil additives, so Mobil 1 or Valvoline is OK. I have used both in our older Subarus with good results. Currently I use Techron every 6K miles in the ones that are still on the road.
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If you’re consuming oil (like a lot of older Subies can do) you might want to try out one of the Euro 5w30s that are on the thicker end of the 30wt range. (Such as M1 ESP 5w30 or Pennzoil Euro L 5w30)
I have 175k miles on mine and used about a cup of oil in 3k miles during the last OC; it was 0w-20 though. @Jhn, I would start with 0w-30 and monitor for consumption.
2010 takes 5w-30.
I do not know if this 2010 Outback burns oil. It did have a total rebuild 45k miles ago. Engine looks spotless. I will start using Valvoline synthetic 5W-30. Techron every 3 or 4k miles
Knowing that the 2010 year takes 5W-30 do you still recommend 0-30? GSCJR?