Hey, all, this is for Jr's 2009 Mazda5. The blower fan has quit completely.
I suspect the problem is the resistor module (Power MOS FET in Mazda-speak). I've removed it, and checked the resistance, expecting to see something low between the pins that connect to the LY(I) and B(I) terminals. Instead, it's open, likely due to the internal fuse being blown.
Here's a schematic I marked up for my sister, whose 2008 Mazda5 had the same problem about two years ago, which I helped her troubleshoot long-distance. (Her repair was successful, sort off - she bought a generic part from Lordco, an auto parts store I'd never heard of, and the fan worked, but then failed not long after. I think she took it to a shop at that point, and they replaced the white box unit with a better one, which has been fine since.)
All that to say, I'm looking for advice on which of the available parts listed on the linked RA site are good, and which to avoid.
Given that we're near the end of October, I need to get this going soon, so may buy locally rather than through RA, but at least can ask the local parts stores which part they carry. I haven't called the dealer yet, but assume the part will be crazy expensive. (I should call anyway.)
I can also jumper through the connector to bypass the resistors completely, but am slightly leery, as the blower motor ground normally runs through at least some resistance.
Thanks, all!
Hey, all, this is for Jr's 2009 Mazda5. The blower fan has quit completely.
I suspect the problem is the resistor module (Power MOS FET in Mazda-speak). I've removed it, and checked the resistance, expecting to see something low between the pins that connect to the LY(I) and B(I) terminals. Instead, it's open, likely due to the internal fuse being blown.
Here's a schematic I marked up for my sister, whose 2008 Mazda5 had the same problem about two years ago, which I helped her troubleshoot long-distance. (Her repair was successful, sort off - she bought a generic part from Lordco, an auto parts store I'd never heard of, and the fan worked, but then failed not long after. I think she took it to a shop at that point, and they replaced the white box unit with a better one, which has been fine since.)
All that to say, I'm looking for advice on which of the available parts listed on the linked RA site are good, and which to avoid.
Given that we're near the end of October, I need to get this going soon, so may buy locally rather than through RA, but at least can ask the local parts stores which part they carry. I haven't called the dealer yet, but assume the part will be crazy expensive. (I should call anyway.)
I can also jumper through the connector to bypass the resistors completely, but am slightly leery, as the blower motor ground normally runs through at least some resistance.
Thanks, all!