10W-30 Motor Oils Comparison

So HPL a non factor, Ponzi/pyramid marketed like a 'Tupperware', 'Herbalife', 'Amway', 'Mary Kay' and Amsoil.
I think the main question is "who sponsored/performed this test"? My money is on HPL! Might be a good idea to add Amsoil's superior AME SAE 10W30/SAE 30 to the list-I bet it beats HPL in a few categories, instead of using the weaker SSO.

You two couldn't be more wrong...

That was ACD (not AME, which is a CI4+ 15w40).

ACD, sadly, was discontinued last year.

I did pick up a couple pallets of it though, I'm just waiting to gouge bundle it with "free" TP rolls when 30w/10w30 rules the world again.

Might be a good idea to add Amsoil's superior AME SAE 10W30/SAE 30 to the list-I bet it beats HPL in a few categories, instead of using the weaker SSO.