101K Toyota fuel filter pics

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Jul 8, 2006
I changed the original fuel filter today on my 99 Tacoma at 101,391 miles. I wasn't experiencing any problems, it just seemed like a good thing to do. Here's the stuff that drained out, filtered through a coffee filter:

The good news is this stuff is extremely fine, looks to me like the filter did a good job.

I cut it open:

This last one is just trying to show the relative amount of media and the silt trapped on it.

I'm not a filter expert but it didn't seem that heavily loaded. Maybe I could have gone several more years without a problem.
Dont forget to change the filter sock on the in-tank fuel pump also. There is a third filter for the return fuel too, also located on the fuel pump, but I think this one is not necessary to change.
Toyota swears up and down that this is a "lifetime" filter but I think its good to change it out even though your photos indicate that it may indeed last the life of the vehicle. I think fuel problems for the most part are rarer these days due to fiberglass(less chance of rust) under-ground storage tanks and the fact that the gas stations are huge now and the resulting higher turnover results in less condensation. I too just changed mine on my Tacoma @ 60,000 miles because I thought that was long enough.
Your lucky your Toyota has a serviceable filter. My 3 Vibes have an in-tank filter. I'm not paying $60+labor to replace it, so it can stay in there until the pump dies. I'm at 205k miles on the oldest one now and no problems yet. My other vehicles have serviceable filters and I change them every 60k.
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